Django Book 翻译
The second matter to note is how Djangos origins have shaped the culture of its open source community. Because Django was extracted from real-world code, rather than being an academic exercise or commercial product, it is acutely focused on solving Web development problems that Djangos developers themselves have faced and continue to face. As a result, Django itself is actively improved on an almost daily basis. The frameworks developers have a keen interest in making sure Django saves developers time, produces applications that are easy to maintain, and performs well under load. If nothing else, the developers are motivated by their own selfish desires to save themselves time and enjoy their jobs. (To put it bluntly, they eat their own dog food.)
第二,Django的起源造就她的开源社区,因为Django来自于真实世界中的代码,而不是 来自于一个科研项目或者商业产品,她主要集中力量来解决Web开发中遇到的问题,同样 也是Django的开发者经常遇到的问题。这样,Django每天在现有的基础上进步。框架的 开发者对于为开发人员节省开发时间具有极大的兴趣,编写更加容易维护的程序,同时 保证程序运行的效率。开发人员自我激励,尽量的节省时间和享受他们的工作(To put it bluntly, they eat their own dog food.)