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Chapter 5: Interacting with a Database: Models
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1#翻译 |
In Chapter 3, we covered the fundamentals of building dynamic Web sites with Django: setting up
views and URLconfs. As we explained, a view is responsible for doing *some arbitrary logic* , and
then returning a response. In the example, our arbitrary logic was to calculate the current date
and time.
在第三章,我们讲述了用 Django 建造网站的基本途径:建立视图和 URLConf 。正如我们所阐述的,视图负责处理 *一些任意逻辑* ,然后返回响应结果。在范例中,我们的任意逻辑就是计算当前的日期和时间。 |
834天前 |
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In modern Web applications, the arbitrary logic often involves interacting with a database.
Behind the scenes, a *database-driven Web site* connects to a database server, retrieves some
data out of it, and displays that data, nicely formatted, on a Web page. Or, similarly, the site
could provide functionality that lets site visitors populate the database on their own.
在当代 Web 应用中,任意逻辑经常牵涉到与数据库的交互。 *数据库驱动网站* 在后台连接数据库服务器,从中取出一些数据,然后在 Web 页面用漂亮的格式展示这些数据。或者,站点也提供让访问者自行填充数据库的功能。 |
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Many complex Web sites provide some combination of the two., for instance, is a great
example of a database-driven site. Each product page is essentially a query into Amazons product
database formatted as HTML, and when you post a customer review, it gets inserted into the
database of reviews.
许多复杂的网站都提供了以上两个功能的某种结合。例如 就是一个数据库驱动站点的良好范例。本质上,每个产品页都是从数据库中取出的数据被格式化为 HTML,而当你发表客户评论时,该评论被插入评论数据库中。 |
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Django is well suited for making database-driven Web sites, as it comes with easy yet powerful
ways of performing database queries using Python. This chapter explains that functionality:
Djangos database layer.
由于先天具备 Python 简单而强大的数据库查询执行方法,Django 非常适合开发数据库驱动网站。本章深入介绍了该功能:Django 数据库层。 |
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(Note: While its not strictly necessary to know basic database theory and SQL in order to use
Djangos database layer, its highly recommended. An introduction to those concepts is beyond the
scope of this book, but keep reading even if youre a database newbie. Youll probably be able to
follow along and grasp concepts based on the context.)
(注意:尽管对 Django 数据库层的使用中并不特别强调,我们还是强烈建议掌握一些数据库和 SQL 原理。对这些概念的介绍超越了本书的范围,但就算你是数据库方面的菜鸟,我们也建议你继续阅读。你也许能够跟上进度,并在上下文学习过程中掌握一些概念。) |
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The Dumb Way to Do Database Queries in Views
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Just as Chapter 3 detailed a dumb way to produce output within a view (by hard-coding the text
directly within the view), theres a dumb way to retrieve data from a database in a view. Its
simple: just use any existing Python library to execute an SQL query and do something with the
正如第三章详细介绍的那个在视图中输出 HTML 的笨方法(通过在视图里对文本直接硬编码HTML),在视图中也有笨方法可以从数据库中获取数据。很简单:用现有的任何 Python 类库执行一条 SQL 查询并对结果进行一些处理。 |
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In this example view, we use the ``MySQLdb`` library (available at
``_) to connect to a MySQL database, retrieve some
records, and feed them to a template for display as a Web page:
在本例的视图中,我们使用了 ``MySQLdb`` 类库(可以从 ``_ 获得)来连接 MySQL 数据库,取回一些记录,将它们提供给模板以显示一个网页: |
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This approach works, but some problems should jump out at you immediately:
这个方法可用,但很快一些问题将出现在你面前: |
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* Were hard-coding the database connection parameters. Ideally, these parameters would be
stored in the Django configuration.
* 我们将数据库连接参数硬行编码于代码之中。理想情况下,这些参数应当保存在 Django 配置中。
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* Were having to write a fair bit of boilerplate code: creating a connection, creating a
cursor, executing a statement, and closing the connection. Ideally, all wed have to do is
specify which results we wanted.
* 我们不得不重复同样的代码:创建数据库连接、创建数据库游标、执行某个语句、然后关闭数据库。理想情况下,我们所需要应该只是指定所需的结果。 |
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* It ties us to MySQL. If, down the road, we switch from MySQL to PostgreSQL, well have to use
a different database adapter (e.g., ``psycopg`` rather than ``MySQLdb`` ), alter the
connection parameters, and depending on the nature of the SQL statement possibly rewrite the
SQL. Ideally, the database server were using would be abstracted, so that a database server
change could be made in a single place.
* 它把我们栓死在 MySQL 之上。如果过段时间,我们要从 MySQL 换到 PostgreSQL,就不得不使用不同的数据库适配器(例如 ``psycopg`` 而不是 ``MySQLdb`` ),改变连接参数,根据 SQL 语句的类型可能还要修改SQL 。理想情况下,应对所使用的数据库服务器进行抽象,这样一来只在一处修改即可变换数据库服务器。 |
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15#翻译 |
As you might expect, Djangos database layer aims to solve these problems. Heres a sneak preview
of how the previous view can be rewritten using Djangos database API:
正如你所期待的,Django数据库层正是致力于解决这些问题。以下提前揭示了如何使用 Django 数据库 API 重写之前那个视图。 |
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Well explain this code a little later in the chapter. For now, just get a feel for how it looks.
我们将在本章稍后的地方解释这段代码。目前而言,仅需对它有个大致的认识。 |
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The MTV Development Pattern
MTV 开发模式
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Before we delve into any more code, lets take a moment to consider the overall design of a
database-driven Django Web application.
在钻研更多代码之前,让我们先花点时间考虑下 Django 数据驱动 Web 应用的总体设计。 |
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As we mentioned in previous chapters, Django is designed to encourage loose coupling and strict
separation between pieces of an application. If you follow this philosophy, its easy to make
changes to one particular piece of the application without affecting the other pieces. In view
functions, for instance, we discussed the importance of separating the business logic from the
presentation logic by using a template system. With the database layer, were applying that same
philosophy to data access logic.
我们在前面章节提到过,Django 的设计鼓励松耦合及对应用程序中不同部分的严格分割。遵循这个理念的话,要想修改应用的某部分而不影响其它部分就比较容易了。在视图函数中,我们已经讨论了通过模板系统把业务逻辑和表现逻辑分隔开的重要性。在数据库层中,我们对数据访问逻辑也应用了同样的理念。 |
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Those three pieces together data access logic, business logic, and presentation logic comprise a
concept thats sometimes called the *Model-View-Controller* (MVC) pattern of software
architecture. In this pattern, Model refers to the data access layer, View refers to the part of
the system that selects what to display and how to display it, and Controller refers to the part
of the system that decides which view to use, depending on user input, accessing the model as
把数据存取逻辑、业务逻辑和表现逻辑组合在一起的概念有时被称为软件架构的 *Model-View-Controller* (MVC)模式。在这个模式中, Model 代表数据存取层,View 代表的是系统中选择显示什么和怎么显示的部分,Controller 指的是系统中根据用户输入并视需要访问模型,以决定使用哪个视图的那部分。 |
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Why the Acronym?
为什么用缩写? |
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The goal of explicitly defining patterns such as MVC is mostly to streamline communication among
developers. Instead of having to tell your coworkers, Lets make an abstraction of the data
access, then lets have a separate layer that handles data display, and lets put a layer in the
middle that regulates this, you can take advantage of a shared vocabulary and say, Lets use the
MVC pattern here.
像 MVC 这样的明确定义模式的主要用于改善开发人员之间的沟通。与其告诉同事:“让我们对数据存取进行抽象,用单独一层负责数据显示,然后在中间放置一层来进行控制”,还不如利用通用的词汇告诉他们:“让我们在这里使用 MVC 模式吧”。 |
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Django follows this MVC pattern closely enough that it can be called an MVC framework. Heres
roughly how the M, V, and C break down in Django:
Django 紧紧地遵循这种 MVC 模式,可以称得上是一种 MVC 框架。以下是 Django 中 M、V 和 C 各自的含义: |
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* *M* , the data-access portion, is handled by Djangos database layer, which is described in
this chapter.
* *M* ,数据存取部分,由django数据库层处理,本章要讲述的内容。
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* *V* , the portion that selects which data to display and how to display it, is handled by
views and templates.
* *V* ,选择显示哪些数据要及怎样显示的部分,由视图和模板处理。 |
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* *C* , the portion that delegates to a view depending on user input, is handled by the
framework itself by following your URLconf and calling the appropriate Python function for
the given URL.
* *C* ,根据用户输入委派视图的部分,由 Django 框架通过按照 URLconf 设置,对给定 URL 调用合适的 python 函数来自行处理。
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Because the C is handled by the framework itself and most of the excitement in Django happens in
models, templates, and views, Django has been referred to as an *MTV framework* . In the MTV
development pattern,
由于 C 由框架自行处理,而 Django 里更关注的是模型(Model)、模板(Template)和视图(Views),Django 也被称为 *MTV 框架* 。在 MTV 开发模式中: |
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* *M* stands for Model, the data access layer. This layer contains anything and everything
about the data: how to access it, how to validate it, which behaviors it has, and the
relationships between the data.
* *M* 代表模型(Model),即数据存取层。该层处理与数据相关的所有事务:如何存取、如何确认有效性、包含哪些行为以及数据之间的关系等。
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* *T* stands for Template, the presentation layer. This layer contains presentation-related
decisions: how something should be displayed on a Web page or other type of document.
* *T* 代表模板(Template),即表现层。该层处理与表现相关的决定:如何在页面或其他类型文档中进行显示。
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* *V* stands for View, the business logic layer. This layer contains the logic that access the
model and defers to the appropriate template(s). You can think of it as the bridge between
models and templates.
* *V* 代表视图(View),即业务逻辑层。该层包含存取模型及调取恰当模板的相关逻辑。你可以把它看作模型与模板之间的桥梁。
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If youre familiar with other MVC Web-development frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails, you may
consider Django views to be the controllers and Django templates to be the views. This is an
unfortunate confusion brought about by differing interpretations of MVC. In Djangos
interpretation of MVC, the view describes the data that gets presented to the user; its not
necessarily just *how* the data looks, but *which* data is presented. In contrast, Ruby on Rails
and similar frameworks suggest that the controllers job includes deciding which data gets
presented to the user, whereas the view is strictly *how* the data looks, not *which* data is
如果你熟悉其它的 MVC Web开发框架,比方说 Ruby on Rails,你可能会认为 Django 视图是控制器,而 Django 模板是视图。很不幸,这是对 MVC 不同诠释所引起的错误认识。在 Django 对 MVC 的诠释中,视图用来描述要展现给用户的数据;不是数据看起来 *怎么样* ,而是要呈现 *哪些* 数据。相比之下,Ruby on Rails 及一些同类框架提倡控制器负责决定向用户展现哪些数据,而视图则仅决定 *如何* 展现数据,而不是展现 *哪些* 数据。 |
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Neither interpretation is more correct than the other. The important thing is to understand the
underlying concepts.
两种诠释中没有哪个更加正确一些。重要的是要理解底层概念。 |
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Configuring the Database
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With all of that philosophy in mind, lets start exploring Djangos database layer. First, we need
to take care of some initial configuration: we need to tell Django which database server to use
and how to connect to it.
记住这些理念之后,让我们来开始 Django 数据库层的探索。首先,我们需要搞定一些初始化设置:我们必须告诉 Django 要用哪个数据库服务器及如何连接上它。 |
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Well assume youve set up a database server, activated it, and created a database within it (e.g.,
using a ``CREATE DATABASE`` statement). SQLite is a special case; in that case, theres no
database to create, because SQLite uses standalone files on the filesystem to store its data.
我们将假定你已经完成了数据库服务器的安装和激活,并且已经在其中创建了数据库(例如,用 ``CREATE DATABASE`` 语句)。SQLite 数据库有点特别,用它的话不需要创建数据库,因为 SQLite 使用文件系统中的单个文件来保存数据。 |
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As with ``TEMPLATE_DIRS`` in the previous chapter, database configuration lives in the Django
settings file, called ```` by default. Edit that file and look for the database
象前面章节提到的 ``TEMPLATE_DIRS`` 一样,数据库配置也是在Django的配置文件里,缺省
是 ```` 。编辑打开这个文件并查找数据库配置: |
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Heres a rundown of each setting.
配置纲要如下。 |
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``DATABASE_ENGINE`` tells Django which database engine to use. If youre using a database with
Django, ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` must be set to one of the strings shown in Table 5-1.
``DATABASE_ENGINE`` 告诉Django使用哪个数据库引擎。如果你在 Django 中使用数据库, ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` 必须是 Table 5-1 中所列出的值。
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.. table:: Table 5-1. Database Engine Settings
| Setting | Database | Required Adapter |
| ``postgresql`` | PostgreSQL| ``psycopg`` version 1.x, |
| | | ``_.|
| ``postgresql_psycopg2``| PostgreSQL| ``psycopg`` version 2.x, |
| | | ``_. |
| ``mysql`` | MySQL | ``MySQLdb`` , |
| | | ``_. |
| ``sqlite3`` | SQLite | No adapter needed if using Python 2.5+. Otherwise,|
| | | ``pysqlite`` , |
| | | ``_. |
| ``ado_mssql`` | Microsoft | ``adodbapi`` version 2.0.1+, |
| | SQL Server| ``_. |
| ``oracle`` | Oracle | ``cx_Oracle`` , |
| | | ``_. |
.. table:: 表 5-1. 数据库引擎设置
| 设置 | 数据库 | 适配器 |
| ``postgresql`` | PostgreSQL| ``psycopg`` 版本 1.x, |
| | | ``_.|
| ``postgresql_psycopg2``| PostgreSQL| ``psycopg`` 版本 2.x, |
| | | ``_. |
| ``mysql`` | MySQL | ``MySQLdb`` , |
| | | ``_. |
| ``sqlite3`` | SQLite | Python 2.5+ 内建。 其他, |
| | | ``pysqlite`` , |
| | | ``_. |
| ``ado_mssql`` | Microsoft | ``adodbapi`` 版本 2.0.1+, |
| | SQL Server| ``_. |
| ``oracle`` | Oracle | ``cx_Oracle`` , |
| | | ``_. |
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Note that for whichever database back-end you use, youll need to download and install the
appropriate database adapter. Each one is available for free on the Web; just follow the
links in the Required Adapter column in Table 5-1.
要注意的是无论选择使用哪个数据库服务器,都必须下载和安装对应的数据库适配器。访问表 5-1 中“所需适配器”一栏中的链接,可通过互联网免费获取这些适配器。
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``DATABASE_NAME`` tells Django the name of your database. If youre using SQLite, specify the
full filesystem path to the database file on your filesystem (e.g.,
``'/home/django/mydata.db'`` ).
``DATABASE_NAME`` 将数据库名称告知 Django 。如果使用 SQLite,请对数据库文件指定完整的文件系统路径。(例如 ``'/home/django/mydata.db'`` )。
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``DATABASE_USER`` tells Django which username to use when connecting to your database. If
youre using SQLite, leave this blank.
``DATABASE_USER`` 告诉 Django 用哪个用户连接数据库。如果用SQLite,空白即可。 |
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``DATABASE_PASSWORD`` tells Django which password to use when connecting to your database. If
youre using SQLite or have an empty password, leave this blank.
``DATABASE_PASSWORD`` 告诉Django连接用户的密码。SQLite 用空密码即可。
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``DATABASE_HOST`` tells Django which host to use when connecting to your database. If your
database is on the same computer as your Django installation (i.e., localhost), leave this
blank. If youre using SQLite, leave this blank.
``DATABASE_HOST`` 告诉 Django 连接哪一台主机的数据库服务器。如果数据库与 Django 安装于同一台计算机(即本机),可将此项保留空白。使用 SQLite ,也可保留空白。 |
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MySQL is a special case here. If this value starts with a forward slash (``'/'`` ) and youre
using MySQL, MySQL will connect via a Unix socket to the specified socket, for example:
此处的 MySQL 是一个特例。如果使用的是 MySQL 且该项设置值由斜杠( ``'/'`` )开头,MySQL 将通过 Unix socket 来连接指定的套接字,例如:
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If youre using MySQL and this value *doesnt* start with a forward slash, then this value is
assumed to be the host.
如果用 MySQL 而该项设置的值 *不是* 以正斜线开始的,系统将假定该项值是主机名。
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``DATABASE_PORT`` tells Django which port to use when connecting to your database. If youre
using SQLite, leave this blank. Otherwise, if you leave this blank, the underlying database
adapter will use whichever port is default for your given database server. In most cases, the
default port is fine, so you can leave this blank.
``DATABASE_PORT`` 告诉 Django 连接数据库时使用哪个端口。如果用SQLite,空白即可。其他情况下,如果将该项设置保留空白,底层数据库适配器将会连接所给定数据库服务器的缺省端口。在多数情况下,使用缺省端口就可以了,因此你可以将该项设置保留空白。 |
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Once youve entered those settings, test your configuration. First, from within the ``mysite``
project directory you created in Chapter 2, run the command ``python shell`` .
输入完设置后,测试一下配置情况。首先,转到在第二章创建的 ``mysite`` 项目目录,运行 ``python shell`` 命令。 |
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Youll notice this starts a Python interactive interpreter. Looks can be deceiving, though! Theres
an important difference between running the command ``python shell`` within your Django
project directory and the more generic ``python`` . The latter is the basic Python shell, but the
former tells Django which settings file to use before it starts the shell. This is a key
requirement for doing database queries: Django needs to know which settings file to use in order
to get your database connection information.
你会看到该命令启动了一个 Python 交互界面。运行命令 ``python shell`` 启动的交互界面和
标准的 ``python`` 交互界面有很大的区别。看起来都是基本的python外壳(shell),
知道使用哪个配置文件来获得数据库连接信息。 |
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Behind the scenes, ``python shell`` simply assumes that your settings file is in the
same directory as ```` . There are other ways to tell Django which settings module to
use, but these subtleties will be covered later. For now, use ``python shell`` whenever
you need to drop into the Python interpreter to do Django-specific tinkering.
``python shell`` 假定你的配置文件就在和 ```` 一样的目录中。
以后将会讲到使用其他的方式来告诉Django使用其他的配置文件。 |
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Once youve entered the shell, type these commands to test your database configuration:
输入下面这些命令来测试你的数据库配置: |
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If nothing happens, then your database is configured properly. Otherwise, check the error message
for clues about whats wrong. Table 5-2 shows some common errors.
查看错误信息来纠正错误。表 5-2 是一些常见错误。
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.. table:: Table 5-2. Database Configuration Error Messages
|Error Message |Solution |
|You havent set the |Set the ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` setting to something other than an empty |
|setting yet. | |
|Environment variable |Run the command ``python shell`` rather than ``python`` . |
|is undefined. | |
|Error loading _____ |You havent installed the appropriate database-specific adapter (e.g., |
|module: No module |``psycopg`` or ``MySQLdb`` ). |
|named _____. | |
|_____ isnt an |Set your ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` setting to one of the valid engine settings|
|available database |described previously. Perhaps you made a typo? |
|backend. | |
|database _____ does |Change the ``DATABASE_NAME`` setting to point to a database that exists,|
|not exist |or execute the appropriate ``CREATE DATABASE`` statement in order to |
| |create it. |
|role _____ does not |Change the ``DATABASE_USER`` setting to point to a user that exists, or |
|exist |create the user in your database. |
|could not connect to |Make sure ``DATABASE_HOST`` and ``DATABASE_PORT`` are set correctly, and|
|server |make sure the server is running. |
.. table:: 表 5-2. 数据库配置错误信息
|错误信息 |解决方案 |
|You havent set the |设置正确的 ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` 配置 |
|setting yet. | |
|Environment variable |运行命令行 ``python shell`` 而不是 ``python`` . |
|is undefined. | |
|Error loading _____ |你没有安装相关的数据库适配器 (例如, |
|module: No module |``psycopg`` 或 ``MySQLdb`` ). |
|named _____. | |
|_____ isnt an |设置正确的 ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` 配置 |
|available database |也许是拼写错误? |
|backend. | |
|database _____ does |设置 ``DATABASE_NAME`` 配置到一个已有的数据库, |
|not exist |或者使用 ``CREATE DATABASE`` 语句创建数据库。 |
| | |
|role _____ does not |修改 ``DATABASE_USER`` 配置到一个有效用户 |
|exist | |
|could not connect to |确认 ``DATABASE_HOST`` 和 ``DATABASE_PORT`` 设置是正确的,并 |
|server |确认服务器是在运行的。 |
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67#翻译 |
Your First App
```````````````````````````` |
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68#翻译 |
Now that youve verified the connection is working, its time to create a *Django app* a bundle of
Django code, including models and views, that lives together in a single Python package and
represents a full Django application.
你现在已经确认数据库连接正常工作了,让我们来创建一个 *Django app* ,开始编码模型和视图。这些文件放置在同一个包中并且形成为一个完整的Django应用程序。 |
1240天前 |
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69#翻译 |
Its worth explaining the terminology here, because this tends to trip up beginners. Wed already
created a *project* , in Chapter 2, so whats the difference between a *project* and an *app* ?
The difference is that of configuration vs. code:
在这里要先解释一些术语,初学者可能会混淆它们。在第二章我们已经创建了 *project* ,
那么 *project* 和 *app* 之间到底有什么不同呢?
它们的区别就是一个是配置另一个是代码: |
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70#翻译 |
A project is an instance of a certain set of Django apps, plus the configuration for those
一个project包含很多个Django app以及对它们的配置。 |
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71#翻译 |
Technically, the only requirement of a project is that it supplies a settings file, which
defines the database connection information, the list of installed apps, the
``TEMPLATE_DIRS`` , and so forth.
安装的app列表, ``TEMPLATE_DIRS`` ,等等。 |
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72#翻译 |
An app is a portable set of Django functionality, usually including models and views, that
lives together in a single Python package.
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73#翻译 |
For example, Django comes with a number of apps, such as a commenting system and an automatic
admin interface. A key thing to note about these apps is that theyre portable and reusable
across multiple projects.
app的一个关键点是它们是很容易移植到其他project和被多个project重用。 |
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74#翻译 |
There are very few hard-and-fast rules about how you fit your Django code into this scheme; its
flexible. If youre building a simple Web site, you may use only a single app. If youre building a
complex Web site with several unrelated pieces such as an e-commerce system and a message board,
youll probably want to split those into separate apps so that youll be able to reuse them
individually in the future.
电子商务之类的Web站点,你可能需要把这些功能划分成不同的app,以便以后重用。 |
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75#翻译 |
Indeed, you dont necessarily need to create apps at all, as evidenced by the example view
functions weve created so far in this book. In those cases, we simply created a file called
```` , filled it with view functions, and pointed our URLconf at those functions. No apps
were needed.
确实,你还可以不用创建app,例如以前写的视图,只是简单的放在 ```` ,不需要app。 |
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76#翻译 |
However, theres one requirement regarding the app convention: if youre using Djangos database
layer (models), you must create a Django app. Models must live within apps. Thus, in order to
start writing our models, well need to create a new app.
必须创建一个django app。模型必须在这个app中存在。因此,为了开始建造
我们的模型,我们必须创建一个新的app。 |
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77#翻译 |
Within the ``mysite`` project directory you created in Chapter 2, type this command to create a
new app named books:
转到 ``mysite`` 项目目录,执行下面的命令来创建一个新app叫做books: |
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80#翻译 |
This command does not produce any output, but it does create a ``books`` directory within the
``mysite`` directory. Lets look at the contents of that directory:
这个命令没有输出什么,它在 ``mysite`` 的目录里创建了一个 ``books`` 目录。
让我们来看看这个目录的内容: |
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83#翻译 |
These files will contain the models and views for this app.
这些文件里面就包含了这个app的模型和视图。 |
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84#翻译 |
Have a look at ```` and ```` in your favorite text editor. Both files are empty,
except for an import in ```` . This is the blank slate for your Django app.
看一下 ```` 和 ```` 文件。它们都是空的,除了 ```` 里有一个
import。 |
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85#翻译 |
Defining Models in Python
````````````````````````` |
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86#翻译 |
As we discussed earlier in this chapter, the M in MTV stands for Model. A Django model is a
description of the data in your database, represented as Python code. Its your data layout the
equivalent of your SQL ``CREATE TABLE`` statements except its in Python instead of SQL, and it
includes more than just database column definitions. Django uses a model to execute SQL code
behind the scenes and return convenient Python data structures representing the rows in your
database tables. Django also uses models to represent higher-level concepts that SQL cant
necessarily handle.
中的定义。对数据层来说它等同于 ``CREATE TABLE`` 语句,只不过执行的是Python代码而不是
处理的高级概念。 |
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87#翻译 |
If youre familiar with databases, your immediate thought might be, Isnt it redundant to define
data models in Python *and* in SQL? Django works the way it does for several reasons:
如果你对数据库很熟悉,你可能马上就会想到,用Python *和* SQL来定义数据模型是不是有点多余?
Django这样做是有下面几个原因的: |
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88#翻译 |
Introspection requires overhead and is imperfect. In order to provide convenient data-access
APIs, Django needs to know the database layout *somehow* , and there are two ways of
accomplishing this. The first way would be to explicitly describe the data in Python, and the
second way would be to introspect the database at runtime to determine the data models.
Django需要以 *某种方式* 知道数据库层内部信息,有两种实现方式。
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89#翻译 |
This second way seems cleaner, because the metadata about your tables lives in only one
place, but it introduces a few problems. First, introspecting a database at runtime obviously
requires overhead. If the framework had to introspect the database each time it processed a
request, or even when the Web server was initialized, this would incur an unacceptable level
of overhead. (While some believe that level of overhead is acceptable, Djangos developers aim
to trim as much framework overhead as possible, and this approach has succeeded in making
Django faster than its high-level framework competitors in benchmarks.) Second, some
databases, notably older versions of MySQL, do not store sufficient metadata for accurate and
complete introspection.
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90#翻译 |
Writing Python is fun, and keeping everything in Python limits the number of times your brain
has to do a context switch. It helps productivity if you keep yourself in a single
programming environment/mentality for as long as possible. Having to write SQL, then Python,
and then SQL again is disruptive.
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91#翻译 |
Having data models stored as code rather than in your database makes it easier to keep your
models under version control. This way, you can easily keep track of changes to your data
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92#翻译 |
SQL allows for only a certain level of metadata about a data layout. Most database systems,
for example, do not provide a specialized data type for representing email addresses or URLs.
Django models do. The advantage of higher-level data types is higher productivity and more
reusable code.
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93#翻译 |
SQL is inconsistent across database platforms. If youre distributing a Web application, for
example, its much more pragmatic to distribute a Python module that describes your data
layout than separate sets of ``CREATE TABLE`` statements for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
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94#翻译 |
A drawback of this approach, however, is that its possible for the Python code to get out of sync
with whats actually in the database. If you make changes to a Django model, youll need to make
the same changes inside your database to keep your database consistent with the model. Well
detail some strategies for handling this problem later in this chapter.
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95#翻译 |
Finally, we should note that Django includes a utility that can generate models by introspecting
an existing database. This is useful for quickly getting up and running with legacy data.
这对已有的数据库来说是非常快捷有用的。 |
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96#翻译 |
Your First Model
```````````````` |
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97#翻译 |
As an ongoing example in this chapter and the next chapter, well focus on a basic
book/author/publisher data layout. We use this as our example because the conceptual
relationships between books, authors, and publishers are well known, and this is a common data
layout used in introductory SQL textbooks. Youre also reading a book that was written by authors
and produced by a publisher!
在本章和后续章节里,我们将集中到一个基本的 书籍/作者/出版商 数据层上。我们这样做是因为
创作再由出版商出版的哦! |
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98#翻译 |
Well suppose the following concepts, fields, and relationships:
我们来假定下面的这些概念、字段和关系: |
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99#翻译 |
* An author has a salutation (e.g., Mr. or Mrs.), a first name, a last name, an email address,
and a headshot photo.
* 作者有尊称(例如,先生或者女士),姓,名,还有Email地址,头像。 |
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100#翻译 |
* A publisher has a name, a street address, a city, a state/province, a country, and a Web
* 出版商有名称,地址,所在城市、省,国家,网站。 |
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101#翻译 |
* A book has a title and a publication date. It also has one or more authors (a many-to-many
relationship with authors) and a single publisher (a one-to-many relationship aka foreign key
to publishers).
* 书籍有书名和出版日期。它有一个或多个作者(和作者是多对多的关联关系[many-to-many]),
只有一个出版商(和出版商是一对多的关联关系[one-to-many],也被称作外键[foreign key]) |
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102#翻译 |
The first step in using this database layout with Django is to express it as Python code. In the
```` file that was created by the ``startapp`` command, enter the following:
第一步是用Python代码来描述它们。打开 ```` 并输入下面的内容: |
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105#翻译 |
Lets quickly examine this code to cover the basics. The first thing to notice is that each model
is represented by a Python class that is a subclass of ``django.db.models.Model`` . The parent
class, ``Model`` , contains all the machinery necessary to make these objects capable of
interacting with a database and that leaves our models responsible solely for defining their
fields, in a nice and compact syntax. Believe it or not, this is all the code we need to write to
have basic data access with Django.
``django.db.models.Model`` 的子类。它的父类 ``Model`` 包含了所有和数据库
这就是我们用Django写的数据基本存取功能的全部代码。 |
1300天前 |
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106#翻译 |
Each model generally corresponds to a single database table, and each attribute on a model
generally corresponds to a column in that database table. The attribute name corresponds to the
columns name, and the type of field (e.g., ``CharField`` ) corresponds to the database column
type (e.g., ``varchar`` ). For example, the ``Publisher`` model is equivalent to the following
table (assuming PostgreSQL ``CREATE TABLE`` syntax):
属性名就是字段名,它的类型(例如 ``CharField`` )相当于数据库的字段类型
(例如 ``varchar`` )。例如, ``Publisher`` 模块等同于下面这张表(用Postgresql
的 ``CREATE TABLE`` 语法描述): |
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109#翻译 |
Indeed, Django can generate that ``CREATE TABLE`` statement automatically, as well show in a
事实上,正如过一会儿我们所要展示的,Django 可以自动生成这些 ``CREATE TABLE`` 语句。 |
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110#翻译 |
The exception to the one-class-per-database-table rule is the case of many-to-many relationships.
In our example models, ``Book`` has a ``ManyToManyField`` called ``authors`` . This designates
that a book has one or many authors, but the ``Book`` database table doesnt get an ``authors``
column. Rather, Django creates an additional table a many-to-many join table that handles the
mapping of books to authors.
“每个数据库表对应一个类”这条规则的例外情况是多对多关系。在我们的范例模型中, ``Book`` 有一个 ``多对多字段`` 叫做 ``authors`` 。
该字段表明一本书籍有一个或多个作者,但 ``Book`` 数据库表却并没有 ``authors`` 字段。相反,Django创建了一个额外的表(多对多连接表)来处理书籍和作者之间的映射关系。
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111#翻译 |
For a full list of field types and model syntax options, see Appendix B.
请查看附录 B 了解所有的字段类型和模型语法选项。 |
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112#翻译 |
Finally, note we havent explicitly defined a primary key in any of these models. Unless you
instruct it otherwise, Django automatically gives every model an integer primary key field called
``id`` . Each Django model is required to have a single-column primary key.
最后需要注意的是:我们并没有显式地为这些模型定义任何主键。除非你指定,否则 Django 会自动为每个模型创建一个叫做 ``id`` 的主键。每个 Django 模型必须要有一个单列主键。 |
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113#翻译 |
Installing the Model
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114#翻译 |
Weve written the code; now lets create the tables in our database. In order to do that, the first
step is to *activate* these models in our Django project. We do that by adding the ``books`` app
to the list of installed apps in the settings file.
完成这些代码之后,现在让我们来在数据库中创建这些表。要完成该项工作,第一步是在 Django 项目中 *激活* 这些模型。将 ``books`` app 添加到配置文件的已 installed apps 列表中即可完成此步骤。
1174天前 |
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115#翻译 |
Edit the ```` file again, and look for the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting.
``INSTALLED_APPS`` tells Django which apps are activated for a given project. By default, it
looks something like this:
再次编辑 ```` 文件, 找到 ``INSTALLED_APPS`` 设置。
``INSTALLED_APPS`` 告诉 Django 项目哪些 app 处于激活状态。缺省情况下如下所示: |
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118#翻译 |
Temporarily comment out all four of those strings by putting a hash character (``#`` ) in front
of them. (Theyre included by default as a common-case convenience, but well activate and discuss
them later.) While youre at it, modify the default ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` and
``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` settings. These depend on some of the apps we just commented out.
Then, add ``'mysite.books'`` to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` list, so the setting ends up looking like
它们,以后再来讨论)同样的,修改缺省的 ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` 和
然后添加 ``'mysite.books'`` 到 ``INSTALLED_APPS`` 列表,现在看起来是这样:
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121#翻译 |
(As were dealing with a single-element tuple here, dont forget the trailing comma. By the way,
this books authors prefer to put a comma after *every* element of a tuple, regardless of whether
the tuple has only a single element. This avoids the issue of forgetting commas, and theres no
penalty for using that extra comma.)
另外,本书的作者喜欢在 *每一个* tuple元素后面加一个逗号,不管它是不是
只有一个元素。这是为了避免忘了加逗号) |
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122#翻译 |
``'mysite.books'`` refers to the ``books`` app were working on. Each app in ``INSTALLED_APPS`` is
represented by its full Python path that is, the path of packages, separated by dots, leading to
the app package.
``'mysite.books'`` 标识 ``books`` app。 ``INSTALLED_APPS`` 中的每个app都用
Python的路径描述,包的路径,用小数点(.)区分。 |
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123#翻译 |
Now that the Django app has been activated in the settings file, we can create the database
tables in our database. First, lets validate the models by running this command:
现在我们可以创建数据库表了。首先,用下面的命令对校验模型的有效性: |
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126#翻译 |
The ``validate`` command checks whether your models syntax and logic are correct. If all is well,
youll see the message ``0 errors found`` . If you dont, make sure you typed in the model code
correctly. The error output should give you helpful information about what was wrong with the
``validate`` 命令检查你的模型的语法和逻辑是否正确。如果一切正常,你会看到
``0 errors found`` 消息。如果有问题,它会给出非常有用的错误信息来帮助你
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127#翻译 |
Any time you think you have problems with your models, run ``python validate`` . It
tends to catch all the common model problems.
一旦你觉得你的模型可能有问题,运行 ``python validate`` 。
它可以帮助你捕获一些常见的模型定义错误。 |
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128#翻译 |
If your models are valid, run the following command for Django to generate ``CREATE TABLE``
statements for your models in the ``books`` app (with colorful syntax highlighting available if
youre using Unix):
模型确认没问题了,运行下面的命令来生成 ``CREATE TABLE`` 语句: |
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131#翻译 |
In this command, ``books`` is the name of the app. Its what you specified when you ran the
command `` startapp`` . When you run the command, you should see something like this:
在这个命令行中, ``books`` 是app的名称。和你运行 `` startapp`` 中的一样。
运行命令的结果是这样的: |
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Note the following:
注意: |
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135#翻译 |
* Table names are automatically generated by combining the name of the app (``books`` ) and the
lowercase name of the model (``publisher`` , ``book`` , and ``author`` ). You can override
this behavior, as detailed in Appendix B.
* 自动生成的表名是app名称( ``books`` )和模型的小写名称
( ``publisher`` , ``book`` , ``author`` )的组合。
你可以指定不同的表名,详情请看附录 B。
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136#翻译 |
* As we mentioned earlier, Django adds a primary key for each table automatically the ``id``
fields. You can override this, too.
* 我们前面已经提到,Django为自动加了一个 ``id`` 主键,你一样可以修改它。 |
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137#翻译 |
* By convention, Django appends ``"_id"`` to the foreign key field name. As you might have
guessed, you can override this behavior, too.
* 按约定,Django添加 ``"_id"`` 后缀到外键字段名。这个同样也是可自定义的。 |
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138#翻译 |
* The foreign key relationship is made explicit by a ``REFERENCES`` statement.
* 外键是用 ``REFERENCES`` 语句明确定义的。 |
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139#翻译 |
* These ``CREATE TABLE`` statements are tailored to the database youre using, so
database-specific field types such as ``auto_increment`` (MySQL), ``serial`` (PostgreSQL), or
``integer primary key`` (SQLite) are handled for you automatically. The same goes for quoting
of column names (e.g., using double quotes or single quotes). This example output is in
PostgreSQL syntax.
* 这些 ``CREATE TABLE`` 语句会根据你的数据库而作调整,这样象数据库特定的一些字段例如:
``auto_increment`` (MySQL), ``serial`` (PostgreSQL), ``integer primary key`` (SQLite)
可以自动处理。 同样的,字段名称的引号也是自动处理(例如单引号还是双引号)。
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140#翻译 |
The ``sqlall`` command doesnt actually create the tables or otherwise touch your database it just
prints output to the screen so you can see what SQL Django would execute if you asked it. If you
wanted to, you could copy and paste this SQL into your database client, or use Unix pipes to pass
it directly. However, Django provides an easier way of committing the SQL to the database. Run
the ``syncdb`` command, like so:
``sqlall`` 命令并没有在数据库中真正创建数据表,只是把SQL语句段打印出来。
方法来执行这些SQL语句。运行 ``syncdb`` 命令:
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143#翻译 |
Youll see something like this:
你将会看到这样的内容: |
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146#翻译 |
The ``syncdb`` command is a simple sync of your models to your database. It looks at all of the
models in each app in your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting, checks the database to see whether the
appropriate tables exist yet, and creates the tables if they dont yet exist. Note that ``syncdb``
does *not* sync changes in models or deletions of models; if you make a change to a model or
delete a model, and you want to update the database, ``syncdb`` will not handle that. (More on
this later.)
``syncdb`` 命令是同步你的模型到数据库的一个简单方法。它会根据 ``INSTALLED_APPS`` 里设置的app来检查数据库,
需要注意的是, ``syncdb`` 并 *不能* 同步模型的修改到数据库。如果你修改了模型,然后你想更新
数据库, ``syncdb`` 是帮不了你的。(稍后我们再讲这些。) |
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147#翻译 |
If you run ``python syncdb`` again, nothing happens, because you havent added any
models to the ``books`` app or added any apps to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` . Ergo, its always safe to
run ``python syncdb`` it wont clobber things.
如果你再次运行 ``python syncdb`` ,什么也没发生,因为你没有添加新的模型或者
添加新的app。所以,运行 ``python syncdb`` 总是安全的,它不会把事情搞砸。 |
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148#翻译 |
If youre interested, take a moment to dive into your database servers command-line client and see
the database tables Django created. You can manually run the command-line client (e.g., ``psql``
for PostgreSQL) or you can run the command ``python dbshell`` , which will figure out
which command-line client to run, depending on your ``DATABASE_SERVER`` setting. The latter is
almost always more convenient.
Django带有一个命令行工具, ``python dbshell`` 。 |
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149#翻译 |
Basic Data Access
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150#翻译 |
Once youve created a model, Django automatically provides a high-level Python API for working
with those models. Try it out by running ``python shell`` and typing the following:
一旦你创建了模型,Django自动为这些模型提供了高级的Pyhton API。
运行 ``python shell`` 并输入下面的内容试试看: |
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153#翻译 |
These few lines of code accomplish quite a bit. Here are the highlights:
这短短几行代码干了不少的事。这里简单的说一下: |
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154#翻译 |
* To create an object, just import the appropriate model class and instantiate it by passing in
values for each field.
* 要创建对象,只需 import 相应模型类,并传入每个字段值将其实例化。 |
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155#翻译 |
* To save the object to the database, call the ``save()`` method on the object. Behind the
scenes, Django executes an SQL ``INSERT`` statement here.
* 调用该对象的 ``save()`` 方法,将对象保存到数据库中。Django 会在后台执行一条 ``INSERT`` 语句。 |
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156#翻译 |
* To retrieve objects from the database, use the attribute ``Publisher.objects`` . Fetch a list
of all ``Publisher`` objects in the database with the statement ``Publisher.objects.all()`` .
Behind the scenes, Django executes an SQL ``SELECT`` statement here.
* 使用属性 ``Publisher.objects`` 从数据库中获取对象。调用 ``Publisher.objects.all()`` 获取数据库中所有的 ``Publisher`` 对象。此时,Django 在后台执行一条 ``SELECT`` SQL语句。 |
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157#翻译 |
Naturally, you can do quite a lot with the Django database API but first, lets take care of a
small annoyance.
自然,你肯定想执行更多的Django数据库API试试看,不过,还是让我们先解决一点烦人的小问题。 |
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158#翻译 |
Adding Model String Representations
``````````````````````````````````` |
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159#翻译 |
When we printed out the list of publishers, all we got was this unhelpful display that makes it
difficult to tell the ``Publisher`` objects apart:
当我们打印整个publisher列表时,我们没有得到想要的有用的信息: |
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162#翻译 |
We can fix this easily by adding a method called ``__str__()`` to our ``Publisher`` object. A
``__str__()`` method tells Python how to display the string representation of an object. You can
see this in action by adding a ``__str__()`` method to the three models:
我们可以简单解决这个问题,只需要添加一个方法 ``__str__()`` 到 ``Publisher`` 对象。
``__str__()`` 方法告诉Python要怎样把对象当作字符串来使用。
请看下面: |
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165#翻译 |
As you can see, a ``__str__()`` method can do whatever it needs to do in order to return a string
representation. Here, the ``__str__()`` methods for ``Publisher`` and ``Book`` simply return the
objects name and title, respectively, but the ``__str__()`` for ``Author`` is slightly more
complex it pieces together the ``first_name`` and ``last_name`` fields. The only requirement for
``__str__()`` is that it return a string. If ``__str__()`` doesnt return a string if it returns,
say, an integer then Python will raise a ``TypeError`` with a message like ``"__str__ returned
non-string"`` .
就象你看到的一样, ``__str__()`` 方法返回一个字符串。 ``__str__()`` 必须返回字符串, 如果是其他类型,Python将会抛出 ``TypeError`` 错误消息 ``"__str__ returned
non-string"`` 出来。 |
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166#翻译 |
For the changes to take effect, exit out of the Python shell and enter it again with ``python shell`` . (This is the simplest way to make code changes take effect.) Now the list of
``Publisher`` objects is much easier to understand:
为了让我们的修改生效,先退出Python Shell,然后再次运行 ``python shell`` 进入。
现在列出 ``Publisher`` 对象就很容易理解了:
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169#翻译 |
Make sure any model you define has a ``__str__()`` method not only for your own convenience when
using the interactive interpreter, but also because Django uses the output of ``__str__()`` in
several places when it needs to display objects.
请确保你的每一个模型里都包含 ``__str__()`` 方法,这不只是为了交互时方便,也是因为
Django会在其他一些地方用 ``__str__()`` 来显示对象。 |
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170#翻译 |
Finally, note that ``__str__()`` is a good example of adding *behavior* to models. A Django model
describes more than the database table layout for an object; it also describes any functionality
that object knows how to do. ``__str__()`` is one example of such functionality a model knows how
to display itself.
最后, ``__str()__`` 也是一个很好的例子来演示我们怎么添加 *行为* 到模型里。
``__str__()`` 就是一个例子来演示模型知道怎么显示它们自己。 |
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171#翻译 |
Inserting and Updating Data
``````````````````````````` |
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172#翻译 |
Youve already seen this done: to insert a row into your database, first create an instance of
your model using keyword arguments, like so:
你已经知道怎么做了:先使用一些关键参数创建对象实例,如下: |
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175#翻译 |
This act of instantiating a model class does *not* touch the database.
这个对象实例并 *没有* 对数据库做修改。 |
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176#翻译 |
To save the record into the database (i.e., to perform the SQL ``INSERT`` statement), call the
objects ``save()`` method:
要保存这个记录到数据库里(也就是执行 ``INSERT`` SQL 语句),调用对象的
``save()`` 方法: |
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179#翻译 |
In SQL, this can roughly be translated into the following:
在SQL里,这大致可以转换成这样: |
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182#翻译 |
Because the ``Publisher`` model uses an autoincrementing primary key ``id`` , the initial call to
``save()`` does one more thing: it calculates the primary key value for the record and sets it to
the ``id`` attribute on the instance:
因为 ``Publisher`` 模型有一个自动增加的主键 ``id`` ,所以第一次调用 ``save()`` 还多做了一件事:
计算这个主键的值并把它赋值给这个对象实例: |
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185#翻译 |
Subsequent calls to ``save()`` will save the record in place, without creating a new record
(i.e., performing an SQL ``UPDATE`` statement instead of an ``INSERT`` ):
接下来再调用 ``save()`` 将不会创建新的记录,而只是修改记录内容(也就是
执行 ``UPDATE`` SQL语句,而不是 ``INSERT`` 语句): |
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188#翻译 |
The preceding ``save()`` statement will result in roughly the following SQL:
前面执行的 ``save()`` 相当于下面的SQL语句: |
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191#翻译 |
Selecting Objects
````````````````` |
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192#翻译 |
Creating and updating data sure is fun, but it is also useless without a way to sift through that
data. Weve already seen a way to look up all the data for a certain model:
我们已经知道查找所有数据的方法了: |
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195#翻译 |
This roughly translates to this SQL:
这相当于这个SQL语句: |
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198#翻译 |
注意 |
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199#翻译 |
Notice that Django doesnt use ``SELECT *`` when looking up data and instead lists all fields
explicitly. This is by design: in certain circumstances ``SELECT *`` can be slower, and (more
important) listing fields more closely follows one tenet of the Zen of Python: Explicit is better
than implicit.
注意到Django在选择所有数据时并没有使用 ``SELECT*`` ,而是显式列出了所有字段。
就是这样设计的: ``SELECT*`` 会更慢,而且最重要的是列出所有字段遵循了Python
界的一个信条:明确比不明确好。 |
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200#翻译 |
For more on the Zen of Python, try typing ``import this`` at a Python prompt.
有关Python之禅(戒律) :-),在Python提示行输入 ``import this`` 试试看。 |
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201#翻译 |
Lets take a close look at each part of this ``Publisher.objects.all()`` line:
让我们来仔细看看 ``Publisher.objects.all()`` 这行的每个部分: |
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202#翻译 |
First, we have the model we defined, ``Publisher`` . No surprise here: when you want to look
up data, you use the model for that data.
首先,我们有一个已定义的模型 ``Publisher`` 。没什么好奇怪的:你想要查找数据,
你就用模型来获得数据。 |
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203#翻译 |
Next, we have this ``objects`` business. Technically, this is a *manager* . Managers are
discussed in detail in Appendix B. For now, all you need to know is that managers take care
of all table-level operations on data including, most important, data lookup.
其次, ``objects`` 是干什么的?技术上,它是一个 *管理器(manager)* 。 管理器
将在附录B详细描述,在这里你只要知道它处理有关数据表的操作,特别是数据查找。 |
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204#翻译 |
All models automatically get a ``objects`` manager; youll use it any time you want to look up
model instances.
所有的模型都自动拥有一个 ``objects`` 管理器;你可以在想要查找数据时是使用它。 |
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205#翻译 |
Finally, we have ``all()`` . This is a method on the ``objects`` manager that returns all the
rows in the database. Though this object *looks* like a list, its actually a *QuerySet* an
object that represents some set of rows from the database. Appendix C deals with QuerySets in
detail. For the rest of this chapter, well just treat them like the lists they emulate.
最后,还有 ``all()`` 方法。这是 ``objects`` 管理器返回所有记录的一个方法。
尽管这个对象 *看起来* 象一个列表(list),它实际是一个 *QuerySet* 对象,
就先当它是一个仿真列表对象好了。 |
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206#翻译 |
Any database lookup is going to follow this general pattern well call methods on the manager
attached to the model we want to query against.
所有的数据库查找都遵循一个通用模式:调用模型的管理器来查找数据。 |
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207#翻译 |
Filtering Data
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208#翻译 |
While fetching all objects certainly has its uses, most of the time were going to want to deal
with a subset of the data. Well do this with the ``filter()`` method:
如果想要获得数据的一个子集,我们可以使用 ``filter()`` 方法: |
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211#翻译 |
``filter()`` takes keyword arguments that get translated into the appropriate SQL ``WHERE``
clauses. The preceding example would get translated into something like this:
``filter()`` 根据关键字参数来转换成 ``WHERE`` SQL语句。前面这个例子
相当于这样: |
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214#翻译 |
You can pass multiple arguments into ``filter()`` to narrow down things further:
你可以传递多个参数到 ``filter()`` 来缩小选取范围: |
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217#翻译 |
Those multiple arguments get translated into SQL ``AND`` clauses. Thus, the example in the code
snippet translates into the following:
多个参数会被转换成 ``AND`` SQL语句,例如象下面这样: |
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220#翻译 |
Notice that by default the lookups use the SQL ``=`` operator to do exact match lookups. Other
lookup types are available:
注意,SQL缺省的 ``=`` 操作符是精确匹配的,其他的查找类型如下: |
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223#翻译 |
Thats a double underscore there between ``name`` and ``contains`` . Like Python itself, Django
uses the double underscore to signal that something magic is happening here, the ``__contains``
part gets translated by Django into a SQL ``LIKE`` statement:
在 ``name`` 和 ``contains`` 之间有双下划线。象Python自己一样,Django也使用
双下划线来做一些小魔法,这个 ``__contains`` 部分会被Django转换成 ``LIKE`` SQL语句: |
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226#翻译 |
Many other types of lookups are available, including ``icontains`` (case-insensitive ``LIKE`` ),
``startswith`` and ``endswith`` , and ``range`` (SQL ``BETWEEN`` queries). Appendix C describes
all of these lookup types in detail.
其他的一些查找类型有: ``icontains`` (大小写无关的 ``LIKE`` ),
``startswith`` 和 ``endswith`` , 还有 ``range`` (SQL ``BETWEEN`` 查询)。
附录C详细列出了这些类型的详细资料。 |
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227#翻译 |
Retrieving Single Objects
''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
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228#翻译 |
Sometimes you want to fetch only a single object. Thats what the ``get()`` method is for:
有时你只想获取单个对象,这个时候使用 ``get()`` 方法: |
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231#翻译 |
Instead of a list (rather, QuerySet), only a single object is returned. Because of that, a query
resulting in multiple objects will cause an exception:
所以,如果结果是多个对象,会导致抛出异常: |
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234#翻译 |
A query that returns no objects also causes an exception:
如果查询没有返回结果也会抛出异常: |
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237#翻译 |
Ordering Data
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238#翻译 |
As you play around with the previous examples, you might discover that the objects are being
returned in a seemingly random order. You arent imagining things; so far we havent told the
database how to order its results, so were simply getting back data in some arbitrary order
chosen by the database.
怎样对结果进行排序,所以我们返回的结果是无序的。 |
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239#翻译 |
Thats obviously a bit silly; we wouldnt want a Web page listing publishers to be ordered
randomly. So, in practice, well probably want to use ``order_by()`` to reorder our data into a
useful list:
当然,我们不希望在页面上列出的出版商的列表是杂乱无章的。我们用 ``order_by()`` 来
排列返回的数据: |
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242#翻译 |
This doesnt look much different from the earlier ``all()`` example, but the SQL now includes a
specific ordering:
跟以前的 ``all()`` 例子差不多,SQL语句里多了指定排序的部分: |
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245#翻译 |
We can order by any field we like:
我们可以对任意字段进行排序: |
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248#翻译 |
and by multiple fields:
多个字段也没问题: |
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251#翻译 |
We can also specify reverse ordering by prefixing the field name with a ``-`` (thats a minus
我们还可以指定逆向排序,在前面加一个减号 ``-`` 前缀: |
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254#翻译 |
While this flexibility is useful, using ``order_by()`` all the time can be quite repetitive. Most
of the time youll have a particular field you usually want to order by. In these cases, Django
lets you attach a default ordering to the model:
每次都要用 ``order_by()`` 显得有点啰嗦。 大多数时间你通常只会对某些
字段进行排序。在这种情况下,Django让你可以指定模型的缺省排序方式: |
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257#翻译 |
This ``ordering = ["name"]`` bit tells Django that unless an ordering is given explicitly with
``order_by()`` , all publishers should be ordered by name.
这个 ``ordering = ["name"]`` 告诉Django如果没有显示提供 ``order_by()`` ,
就缺省按名称排序。 |
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258#翻译 |
Whats This Meta Thing?
Meta是什么? |
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259#翻译 |
Django uses this internal ``class Meta`` as a place to specify additional metadata about a model.
Its completely optional, but it can do some very useful things. See Appendix B for the options
you can put under ``Meta`` .
这个类完全可以不实现,不过他能做很多非常有用的事情。查看附录B,在Meta项下面,获得更多选项信息, |
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260#翻译 |
Chaining Lookups
'''''''''''''''' |
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261#翻译 |
Youve seen how you can filter data, and youve seen how you can order it. At times, of course,
youre going to want to do both. In these cases, you simply chain the lookups together:
过滤和排序,很简单,就象这样: |
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264#翻译 |
As you might expect, this translates to a SQL query with both a ``WHERE`` and an ``ORDER BY`` :
你应该没猜错,转换成SQL查询就是 ``WHERE`` 和 ``ORDER BY`` 的组合: |
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267#翻译 |
You can keep chaining queries as long as you like. Theres no limit.
你可以任意把它们串起来,多长都可以,这里没有限制。 |
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268#翻译 |
Slicing Data
''''''''''''''' |
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269#翻译 |
Another common need is to look up only a fixed number of rows. Imagine you have thousands of
publishers in your database, but you want to display only the first one. You can do this using
Pythons standard list slicing syntax:
但是你只想显示第一个。你可以这样做: |
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272#翻译 |
This translates roughly to:
这相当于: |
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275#翻译 |
And More
还有更多 |
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276#翻译 |
Weve only just scratched the surface of dealing with models, but you should now know enough to
understand all the examples in the rest of the book. When youre ready to learn the complete
details behind object lookups, turn to Appendix C.
具体请看附录C。 |
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277#翻译 |
Deleting Objects
```````````````` |
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278#翻译 |
To delete objects, simply call the ``delete()`` method on your object:
要删除对象,只需简单的调用对象的 ``delete()`` 方法: |
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281#翻译 |
You can also delete objects in bulk by calling ``delete()`` on the result of some lookup:
你还可以批量删除对象,通过对查询的结果调用 ``delete()`` 方法: |
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284#翻译 |
注意 |
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285#翻译 |
Deletions are *permanent* , so be careful! In fact, its usually a good idea to avoid deleting
objects unless you absolutely have to relational databases dont do undo so well, and restoring
from backups is painful.
删除是 *不可恢复* 的,所以要小心操作!事实上,应该尽量避免删除对象,除非你
确实需要删除它。数据库的数据恢复的功能通常不太好,而从备份数据恢复是很痛苦的。 |
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286#翻译 |
Its often a good idea to add active flags to your data models. You can look up only active
objects, and simply set the active field to ``False`` instead of deleting the object. Then, if
you realize youve made a mistake, you can simply flip the flag back.
对于不需要的对象,将激活字段值设为 ``False`` , 而不是删除对象。这样,
如果一旦你认为做错了的话,只需把标志重设回来就可以了。 |
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287#翻译 |
Making Changes to a Database Schema
``````````````````````````````````` |
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288#翻译 |
When we introduced the ``syncdb`` command earlier in this chapter, we noted that ``syncdb``
merely creates tables that dont yet exist in your database it does *not* sync changes in models
or perform deletions of models. If you add or change a models field, or if you delete a model,
youll need to make the change in your database manually. This section explains how to do that.
当我们在这一章的前面介绍 ``syncdb`` 命令的时候,我们强调 ``syncdb`` 仅仅创建数据库中不存在的表,而不会同步模型的修改或者删除到数据库。如果你添加或者修改了模型的一个字段,或者删除一个模型,你必须手动改变你的数据库。下面我们看看怎么来做。 |
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289#翻译 |
When dealing with schema changes, its important to keep a few things in mind about how Djangos
database layer works:
当我们处理表结构的修改时,要时刻想着 Django 的数据库层是如何工作的: |
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290#翻译 |
* Django will complain loudly if a model contains a field that has not yet been created in the
database table. This will cause an error the first time you use the Django database API to
query the given table (i.e., it will happen at code execution time, not at compilation time).
* 如果模型中包含一个在数据库中并不存在的字段,Django会大声抱怨的。这样当你第一次调用Django的数据库API来查询给定的表时就会出错(也就是说,它会在执行的时候出错,而不是编译的时候) |
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291#翻译 |
* Django does *not* care if a database table contains columns that are not defined in the
* Django并不关心数据库表中是否存在没有在模型中定义的列 |
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292#翻译 |
* Django does *not* care if a database contains a table that is not represented by a model.
* Django并不关心数据库中是否包含没有被模型描述的表 |
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293#翻译 |
Making schema changes is a matter of changing the various pieces the Python code and the database
itself in the right order.
修改表结构也就是按照正确的顺序修改各种Python代码和数据库本身 |
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294#翻译 |
Adding Fields
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When adding a field to a table/model in a production setting, the trick is to take advantage of
the fact that Django doesnt care if a table contains columns that arent defined in the model. The
strategy is to add the column in the database, and then update the Django model to include the
new field.
当按照产品需求向一个表/模型添加字段时,Django不关心一个表的列是否在模型中定义,我们可以利用这个小技巧,先在数据库中添加列,然后再改变模型中对应的字段。 |
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However, theres a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem here, because in order to know how the new
database column should be expressed in SQL, you need to look at the output of Djangos ``
sqlall`` command, which requires that the field exist in the model. (Note that youre not
*required* to create your column with exactly the same SQL that Django would, but its a good idea
to do so, just to be sure everythings in sync.)
然而,这里总是存在先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题,为了弄清新的数据列怎么用SQL描述,你需要查看 `` sqlall`` 的执行结果,它列出了模型中已经存在的字段。(注意:你不需要像Django中的SQL一模一样的创建你的列,但是这确实是一个好主意,从而保证所有都是同步的) |
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The solution to the chicken-and-egg problem is to use a development environment instead of making
the changes on a production server. (You *are* using a testing/development environment, right?)
Here are the detailed steps to take.
解决鸡和蛋的问题的方法就是先在开发环境而不是发布服务器上修改。(你现在用的就是测试/开发环境,不是吗?)下面是详细的步骤。 |
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First, take these steps in the development environment (i.e., not on the production server):
首先,在开发环境中执行下面的步骤(也就是说,不是在发布服务器上): |
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1. Add the field to your model.
1. 把这个字段添加到你的模型中. |
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2. Run `` sqlall [yourapp]`` to see the new ``CREATE TABLE`` statement for the model.
Note the column definition for the new field.
2. 运行 `` sqlall [yourapp]`` 会看到模型的新的 ``CREATE TABLE`` 语句。
注意新的字段的列定义。 |
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3. Start your databases interactive shell (e.g., ``psql`` or ``mysql`` , or you can use
`` dbshell`` ). Execute an ``ALTER TABLE`` statement that adds your new column.
3. 启动您的数据库交互shell(也就是 ``psql`` 或 ``mysql`` , 或者您也可以使用 `` dbshell`` )。 执行一个 ``ALTER TABLE`` 语句,添加您的新列。 |
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4. (Optional.) Launch the Python interactive shell with `` shell`` and verify that the
new field was added properly by importing the model and selecting from the table (e.g.,
``MyModel.objects.all()[:5]`` ).
4. (可选)用 `` shell`` 启动Python交互式shell,并通过引入模型并选择表
验证新的字段已被正确添加(比如, ``MyModel.objects.all()[:5]`` )。 |
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Then on the production server perform these steps:
然后在发布服务器上执行下面的步骤: |
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1. Start your databases interactive shell.
1. 启动你的数据库的交互式命令行; |
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2. Execute the ``ALTER TABLE`` statement you used in step 3 of the development environment
2. 执行 ``ALTER TABLE`` 语句,也就是在开发环境中第3步执行的语句; |
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3. Add the field to your model. If youre using source-code revision control and you checked in
your change in development environment step 1, now is the time to update the code (e.g.,
``svn update`` , with Subversion) on the production server.
3. 添加字段到你的模型中。如果你在开发时使用了版本控制系统并checkin了你的修改,现在可以更新
代码到发布服务器上了(例如,使用Subverison的话就是 ``svn update`` )。 |
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4. Restart the Web server for the code changes to take effect.
4. 重启Web服务器以使代码修改生效。 |
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For example, lets walk through what wed do if we added a ``num_pages`` field to the ``Book``
model described earlier in this chapter. First, wed alter the model in our development
environment to look like this:
例如,让我们通过给 ``Book`` 模型添加一个 ``num_pages`` 字段来演示一下。
首先,我们在开发环境中这样修改模型: |
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(Note: Read the Adding NOT NULL Columns sidebar for important details on why we included
``blank=True`` and ``null=True`` .)
(注意:我们这里为什么写 ``blank=True`` 和 ``null=True`` 呢?阅读题为“添加非空字段”的侧边栏获取更多信息。) |
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Then wed run the command `` sqlall books`` to see the ``CREATE TABLE`` statement. It
would look something like this:
然后我们运行命令 `` sqlall books`` 来得到 ``CREATE TABLE`` 语句。它们看起来
是这样的: |
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The new column is represented like this:
新加的字段SQL描述是这样的: |
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Next, wed start the databases interactive shell for our development database by typing ``psql``
(for PostgreSQL), and wed execute the following statements:
接下来,我们启动数据库交互命令界面,例如Postgresql是执行 ``psql`` , 并执行下面的语句: |
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Adding NOT NULL Columns
添加非空字段(NOT NULL) |
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Theres a subtlety here that deserves mention. When we added the ``num_pages`` field to our model,
we included the ``blank=True`` and ``null=True`` options. We did this because a database column
will contain NULL values when you first create it.
这里有一个要注意的地方。在添加 ``num_pages`` 字段时我们使用了 ``blank=True`` 和 ``null=True`` 可选项。
我们之所以这么做是因为在数据库创建时我们想允许字段值为NULL。 |
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However, its also possible to add columns that cannot contain NULL values. To do this, you have
to create the column as ``NULL`` , then populate the columns values using some default(s), and
then alter the column to set the ``NOT NULL`` modifier. For example:
当然,也可以在添加字段时设置值不能为NULL。要实现这个,你不得不先创建一个 ``NULL`` 字段,
使用缺省值,再修改字段到 ``NOT NULL`` 。例如: |
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If you go down this path, remember that you should leave off ``blank=True`` and ``null=True`` in
your model.
如果你这样做了, 记得要把 ``blank=True`` 和 ``null=True`` 从你的模型中拿掉。 |
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After the ``ALTER TABLE`` statement, wed verify that the change worked properly by starting the
Python shell and running this code:
执行完 ``ALTER TABLE`` 语句, 我们确认一下修改是否正确,启动Python交互界面并执行下面语句: |
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If that code didnt cause errors, wed switch to our production server and execute the ``ALTER
TABLE`` statement on the production database. Then, wed update the model in the production
environment and restart the Web server.
如果没有错误,我们就可以转到发布服务器来在数据库上执行 ``ALTER TABLE`` 语句了。然后,
再更新模型并重启WEB服务器。 |
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Removing Fields
''''''''''''''' |
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Removing a field from a model is a lot easier than adding one. To remove a field, just follow
these steps:
从模型里删除一个字段可要比增加它简单多了。删除一个字段仅需要做如下操作: |
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Remove the field from your model and restart the Web server.
从你的模型里删除这个字段,并重启Web服务器。 |
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Remove the column from your database, using a command like this:
使用如下面所示的命令,从你的数据库中删掉该列: |
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Removing Many-to-Many Fields
删除 Many-to-Many 字段
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
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Because many-to-many fields are different than normal fields, the removal process is different:
因为many-to-many字段同普通字段有些不同,它的删除过程也不一样: |
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Remove the ``ManyToManyField`` from your model and restart the Web server.
删除掉你的模型里的 ``ManyToManyField`` ,并且重启Web服务器。
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Remove the many-to-many table from your database, using a command like this:
使用如下面所示的命令,删除掉你数据库里的many-to-many表: |
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Removing Models
''''''''''''''' |
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Removing a model entirely is as easy as removing a field. To remove a model, just follow these
完全删除一个模型就像删除一个字段一样简单。删除模型仅需要做如下步骤: |
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Remove the model from your ```` file and restart the Web server.
将此模型从你的 ```` 文件里删除,并且重启Web服务器。 |
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Remove the table from your database, using a command like this:
使用如下的命令,将此表从你的数据库中删除: |
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Whats Next?
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Once youve defined your models, the next step is to populate your database with data. You might
have legacy data, in which case Chapter 16 will give you advice about integrating with legacy
databases. You might rely on site users to supply your data, in which case Chapter 7 will teach
you how to process user-submitted form data.
一旦你定义了你的模型,接下来就是要把数据导入数据库里了。你可能已经有现成的数据了,请看第十六章,如何集成现有的数据库。也可能数据是用户提供的,第七章中还会教你怎么处理用户提交的数据。 |
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But in some cases, you or your team might need to enter data manually, in which case it would be
helpful to have a Web-based interface for entering and managing data. The next chapter covers
Djangos admin interface, which exists precisely for that reason.
就很有帮助。下一章将讲述Django的管理界面,它就是专门干这个活的。 |
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