11.3.1 块设备驱动程序的注册

对于块设备来说,驱动程序的注册不仅在其初始化的时候进行而且在编译的时候也要进行注册。在初始化时通过 register_blkdev( ) 函数将相应的块设备添加到数组 blkdevs 中,该数组在fs/block_dev.c中定义如下:

static struct {

         const char *name;

         struct block_device_operations *bdops;

} blkdevs[MAX_BLKDEV];



struct block_device_operations {

        int (*open) (struct inode *, struct file *);

        int (*release) (struct inode *, struct file *);

        int (*ioctl) (struct inode *, struct file *, unsigned, unsigned long);

        int (*check_media_change) (kdev_t);

        int (*revalidate) (kdev_t);

         struct module *owner;




下面我们来看 register_blkdev( )函数的具体实现,其代码在fs/block_dev.c中:

int register_blkdev(unsigned int major, const char * name, struct block_device_operations *bdops)


         if (major == 0) {

                 for (major = MAX_BLKDEV-1; major > 0; major--) {

                        if (blkdevs[major].bdops == NULL) {

                                 blkdevs[major].name = name;

                                 blkdevs[major].bdops = bdops;

                                 return major;



                return -EBUSY;


         if (major >= MAX_BLKDEV)

                 return -EINVAL;

        if (blkdevs[major].bdops && blkdevs[major].bdops != bdops)

                 return -EBUSY;

         blkdevs[major].name = name;

         blkdevs[major].bdops = bdops;

        return 0;





struct file_operations def_blk_fops = {

        open:           blkdev_open,

        release:        blkdev_close,

        llseek:         block_llseek,

         read:           generic_file_read,

         write:          generic_file_write,

         mmap:           generic_file_mmap,

         fsync:          block_fsync,

         ioctl:          blkdev_ioctl,



               open()            位于用户程序中








                  blkdev_open()           位于fs/block_dev.c


                    11.6 几个open()函数的调用关系

如图所示,当调用open()系统调用时,其最终会调用到def_blk_fops blkdev_open()函数。blkdev_open()函数的任务就是根据主设备号找到对应的block_device_operations结构,然后再调用block_device_operations结构中的函数指针open所指向的函数,如果open所指向的函数非空,就调用该函数打开最终的物理块设备。这就简单地说明了块设备注册以后,从最上层的系统调用到具体的打开一个设备的过程。



*      devfs_register_blkdev - Optionally register a conventional block driver.

  *      @major: The major number for the driver.

  *      @name: The name of the driver (as seen in /proc/devices).

  *      @bdops: The &block_device_operations structure pointer.


  *      This function will register a block driver provided the "devfs=only"

  *      option was not provided at boot time.

  *      Returns 0 on success, else a negative error code on failure.



int devfs_register_blkdev (unsigned int major, const char *name,

                            struct block_device_operations *bdops)


     if (boot_options & OPTION_ONLY) return 0;

     return register_blkdev (major, name, bdops);

}   /*  End Function devfs_register_blkdev  */