dbx_escape_string (PHP 4 >= 4.3.0) dbx_escape_string --
Escape a string so it can safely be used in an sql-statement.
Descriptionstring dbx_escape_string ( object link_identifier, string text)
dbx_escape_string() returns the text, escaped
where necessary (such as quotes, backslashes etc). It returns
NULL on error.
例子 1. dbx_escape_string() example
<?php $link = dbx_connect(DBX_MYSQL, "localhost", "db", "username", "password") or die("Could not connect");
$text = dbx_escape_string($link, "It\'s quoted and backslashed (\\)."); $result = dbx_query($link, "insert into tbl (txt) values ('" . $text . "')"); if ($result == 0) { echo dbx_error($link); } dbx_close($link); ?>
See also dbx_query().
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