像其它具有产品级品质的操作系统一样, FreeBSD 会发布 “安全公告”。 通常这类公告会只有在相应的发行版本已经正确地打过补丁之后发到安全邮件列表并在勘误中说明。 本节将介绍什么是安全公告, 如何理解它, 以及为系统打补丁的具体步骤。
FreeBSD 安全公告的样式类似下面的范例, 这一例子来自 freebsd-security-notifications 邮件列表。
============================================================================= FreeBSD-SA-XX:XX.UTIL Security Advisory The FreeBSD Project Topic: denial of service due to some problemCategory: core
Module: sys
Announced: 2003-09-23
Credits: Person@EMAIL-ADDRESS
Affects: All releases of FreeBSD
FreeBSD 4-STABLE prior to the correction date Corrected: 2003-09-23 16:42:59 UTC (RELENG_4, 4.9-PRERELEASE) 2003-09-23 20:08:42 UTC (RELENG_5_1, 5.1-RELEASE-p6) 2003-09-23 20:07:06 UTC (RELENG_5_0, 5.0-RELEASE-p15) 2003-09-23 16:44:58 UTC (RELENG_4_8, 4.8-RELEASE-p8) 2003-09-23 16:47:34 UTC (RELENG_4_7, 4.7-RELEASE-p18) 2003-09-23 16:49:46 UTC (RELENG_4_6, 4.6-RELEASE-p21) 2003-09-23 16:51:24 UTC (RELENG_4_5, 4.5-RELEASE-p33) 2003-09-23 16:52:45 UTC (RELENG_4_4, 4.4-RELEASE-p43) 2003-09-23 16:54:39 UTC (RELENG_4_3, 4.3-RELEASE-p39)
For general information regarding FreeBSD Security Advisories, including descriptions of the fields above, security branches, and the following sections, please visit http://www.FreeBSD.org/security/. I. Background
II. Problem Description
III. Impact
IV. Workaround
V. Solution
VI. Correction details
VII. References
关于本文档的问题请发信联系 <doc@FreeBSD.org>.