Guest author: Simon Willison
鏈珷浣滆呮槸Simon Willison
After following along with the last chapter, you should now have a fully functioning if somewhat simple site. In this chapter, well deal with the next piece of the puzzle: building views that take input from readers.
Well start by making a simple search form by hand and looking at how to handle data submitted from the browser. From there, well move on to using Djangos forms framework.
The Web is all about search. Two of the Nets biggest success stories, Google and Yahoo, built their multi-billion-dollar businesses around search. Nearly every site sees a large percentage of traffic coming to and from its search pages. Often the difference between the success or failure of a site is the quality of its search. So it looks like wed better add some searching to our fledgling books site, no?
Well start by adding the search view to our URLconf (mysite.urls ). Recall that this means adding something like (r'^search/$', '') to the set of URL patterns.
寮濮嬶紝鍦║RLconf (mysite.urls )娣诲姞鎼滅储瑙嗗浘銆傛坊鍔犵被浼 (r'^search/$','') 璁剧疆URL妯″紡銆
Next, well write this search view into our view module (mysite.books.views ):
涓嬩竴姝ワ紝鍦ㄨ鍥炬ā鍧(mysite.books.views )涓啓杩欎釜 search 瑙嗗浘:
from django.db.models import Q from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from models import Book def search(request): query = request.GET.get('q', '') if query: qset = ( Q(title__icontains=query) | Q(authors__first_name__icontains=query) | Q(authors__last_name__icontains=query) ) results = Book.objects.filter(qset).distinct() else: results = [] return render_to_response("books/search.html", { "results": results, "query": query })
There are a couple of things going on here that you havent yet seen. First, theres request.GET . This is how you access GET data from Django; POST data is accessed through a similar request.POST object. These objects behave exactly like standard Python dictionaries with some extra features covered in Appendix H.
杩欓噷鏈変竴浜涢渶瑕佹敞鎰忕殑锛岄鍏 request.GET 锛岃繖浠嶥jango涓庢牱璁块棶GET鏁版嵁锛汸OST鏁版嵁閫氳繃绫讳技鐨 request.POST 瀵硅薄璁块棶銆傝繖浜涘璞¤涓轰笌鏍囧噯Python瀛楀吀寰堝儚锛屽湪闄勫綍H涓垪鍑烘潵鍏跺彟澶栫殑鐗规с
Whats GET and POST Data?
浠涔堟槸 GET and POST 鏁版嵁?
GET and POST are the two methods that browsers use to send data to a server. Most of the time, youll see them in HTML form tags:
GET 鍜孭OST 鏄祻瑙堝櫒浣跨敤鐨勪袱涓柟娉曪紝鐢ㄤ簬鍙戦佹暟鎹埌鏈嶅姟鍣ㄧ銆 涓鑸潵璇达紝浼氬湪html琛ㄥ崟閲岄潰鐪嬪埌:
<form action="/books/search/" method="get">
This instructs the browser to submit the form data to the URL /books/search/ using the GET method.
There are important differences between the semantics of GET and POST that we wont get into right now, but see if you want to learn more.
鍏充簬GET鍜孭OST杩欎袱涓柟娉曚箣闂存湁寰堝ぇ鐨勪笉鍚岋紝涓嶈繃鎴戜滑鏆傛椂涓嶆繁鍏ュ畠锛屽鏋滀綘鎯充簡瑙f洿澶氾紝鍙互璁块棶锛 銆
So the line:
query = request.GET.get('q', '')
looks for a GET parameter named q and returns an empty string if that parameter wasnt submitted.
瀵绘壘鍚嶄负 q 鐨凣ET鍙傛暟锛岃屼笖濡傛灉鍙傛暟娌℃湁鎻愪氦锛岃繑鍥炰竴涓┖鐨勫瓧绗︿覆銆
Note that were using the get() method on request.GET , which is potentially confusing. The get() method here is the one that every Python dictionary has. Were using it here to be careful: it is not safe to assume that request.GET contains a 'q' key, so we use get('q', '') to provide a default fallback value of '' (the empty string). If we merely accessed the variable using request.GET['q'] , that code would raise a KeyError if q wasnt available in the GET data.
娉ㄦ剰鍦 request.GET 涓娇鐢ㄤ簡 get() 鏂规硶锛岃繖鍙兘璁╁ぇ瀹朵笉濂界悊瑙c傝繖閲岀殑 get() 鏄瘡涓猵ython鐨勭殑瀛楀吀鏁版嵁绫诲瀷閮芥湁鐨勬柟娉曘備娇鐢ㄧ殑鏃跺欒灏忓績锛氬亣璁 request.GET 鍖呭惈涓涓 'q' 鐨刱ey鏄笉瀹夊叏鐨勶紝鎵浠ユ垜浠娇鐢 get('q', '') 鎻愪緵涓涓己鐪佺殑杩斿洖鍊 '' (涓涓┖瀛楃涓)銆傚鏋滃彧鏄娇鐢 request.GET['q'] 璁块棶鍙橀噺锛屽湪Get鏁版嵁鏃 q 涓嶅彲寰,鍙兘寮曞彂 KeyError .
Second, what about this Q business? Q objects are used to build up complex queries in this case, were searching for any books where either the title or the name of one of the authors matches the search query. Technically, these Q objects comprise a QuerySet, and you can read more about them in Appendix C.
鍏舵,鍏充簬 Q , Q 瀵硅薄鍦ㄨ繖涓緥瀛愰噷鐢ㄤ簬寤虹珛澶嶆潅鐨勬煡璇,鎼滅储鍖归厤鏌ヨ鐨勪换浣曚功绫.鎶鏈笂 Q 瀵硅薄鍖呭惈QuerySet,鍙互鍦ㄩ檮褰旵涓繘涓姝ラ槄璇.
In these queries, icontains is a case-insensitive search that uses the SQL LIKE operator in the underlying database.
鍦ㄨ繖涓煡璇腑锛 icontains 浣跨敤SQL鐨 LIKE 鎿嶄綔绗︼紝鏄ぇ灏忓啓涓嶆晱鎰熺殑銆
Since were searching against a many-to-many field, its possible for the same book to be returned more than once by the query (e.g., a book with two authors who both match the search query). Adding .distinct() to the filter lookup eliminates any duplicate results.
鏃㈢劧鎼滅储渚濋潬澶氬澶氬煙鏉ュ疄鐜帮紝灏辨湁鍙兘瀵瑰悓涓鏈功杩斿洖澶氭鏌ヨ缁撴灉锛堜緥濡傦細涓鏈功鏈変袱涓綔鑰呴兘绗﹀悎鏌ヨ鏉′欢锛夈傚洜姝ゆ坊鍔 .distinct() 杩囨护鏌ヨ缁撴灉锛屾秷闄ら噸澶嶉儴鍒嗐
Theres still no template for this search view, however. This should do the trick:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Search{% if query %} Results{% endif %}</title> </head> <body> <h1>Search</h1> <form action="." method="GET"> <label for="q">Search: </label> <input type="text" name="q" value="{{ query|escape }}"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> {% if query %} <h2>Results for "{{ query|escape }}":</h2> {% if results %} <ul> {% for book in results %} <li>{{ book|escape }}</l1> {% endfor %} </ul> {% else %} <p>No books found</p> {% endif %} {% endif %} </body> </html>
Hopefully by now what this does is fairly obvious. However, there are a few subtleties worth pointing out:
The forms action is . , which means the current URL. This is a standard best practice: dont use separate views for the form page and the results page; use a single one that serves the form and search results.
琛ㄥ崟鐨刟ction鏄 . 锛 琛ㄧず褰撳墠鐨刄RL銆傝繖鏄竴涓爣鍑嗙殑鏈浣虫儻甯稿鐞嗘柟寮忥細涓嶄娇鐢ㄧ嫭绔 鐨勮鍥惧垎鍒潵鏄剧ず琛ㄥ崟椤甸潰鍜岀粨鏋滈〉闈紱鑰屾槸浣跨敤鍗曚釜瑙嗗浘椤甸潰鏉ュ鐞嗚〃鍗曞苟鏄剧ず鎼滅储缁撴灉銆
We reinsert the value of the query back into the <input> . This lets readers easily refine their searches without having to retype what they searched for.
鎴戜滑鎶婅繑鍥炵殑鏌ヨ鍊奸噸鏂版彃鍏ュ埌 <input> 涓幓锛屼互渚夸簬璇昏呭彲浠ュ畬鍠勪粬浠殑鎼滅储鍐呭锛 鑰屼笉蹇呴噸鏂拌緭鍏ユ悳绱㈠唴瀹广
Everywhere query and book is used, we pass it through the escape filter to make sure that any potentially malicious search text is filtered out before being inserted into the page.
鍦ㄦ墍鏈変娇鐢 query 鍜 book 鐨勫湴鏂癸紝鎴戜滑閫氳繃 escape 杩囨护鍣ㄦ潵纭繚浠讳綍 鍙兘鐨勬伓鎰忕殑鎼滅储鏂囧瓧琚繃婊ゅ嚭鍘伙紝浠ヤ繚璇佷笉琚彃鍏ュ埌椤甸潰閲屻
Its vital that you do this with any user-submitted content! Otherwise you open your site up to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Chapter 19 discusses XSS and security in more detail.
杩欏澶勭悊浠讳綍鐢ㄦ埛鎻愪氦鏁版嵁鏉ヨ鏄 蹇呴』 鐨勶紒鍚﹀垯鐨勮瘽浣犲氨寮鏀句綘鐨勭綉绔欏厑璁歌法绔欑偣鑴氭湰 锛圶SS锛夋敾鍑汇傚湪绗崄涔濈珷涓皢璇︾粏璁ㄨ浜哫SS鍜屽畨鍏ㄣ
However, we dont need to worry about harmful content in your database lookups we can simply pass the query into the lookup as is. This is because Djangos database layer handles this aspect of security for you.
涓嶈繃锛屾垜浠笉蹇呮媴蹇冩暟鎹簱瀵瑰彲鑳芥湁鍗卞鍐呭鐨勬煡璇㈢殑澶勭悊銆 Django鐨勬暟鎹簱灞傚湪杩欐柟闈㈠凡缁忓仛杩囧畨鍏ㄥ鐞嗐 銆愯瘧娉細鏁版嵁搴撳眰瀵规煡璇㈡暟鎹嚜鍔‥scape锛屾墍浠ヤ笉鐢ㄦ媴蹇冦
Now we have a working search. A further improvement would be putting a search form on every page (i.e., in the base template); well let you handle that one yourself.
Next, well look at a more complex example. But before we do, lets discuss a more abstract topic: the perfect form.
Forms can often be a major cause of frustration for the users of your site. Lets consider the behavior of a hypothetical perfect form:
It should ask the user for some information, obviously. Accessibility and usability matter here, so smart use of the HTML <label> element and useful contextual help are important.
瀹冨簲璇ラ棶鐢ㄦ埛涓浜涗俊鎭紝鏄剧劧锛岀敱浜庡彲鐢ㄦх殑闂锛 浣跨敤HTML <label> 鍏冪礌鍜屾湁鐢ㄧ殑 涓婁笅鏂囧府鍔╂槸寰堥噸瑕佺殑銆
The submitted data should be subjected to extensive validation. The golden rule of Web application security is never trust incoming data, so validation is essential.
If the user has made any mistakes, the form should be redisplayed with detailed, informative error messages. The original data should be prefilled, to save the user from having to reenter everything.
The form should continue to redisplay until all of the fields have been correctly filled.
Constructing the perfect form seems like a lot of work! Thankfully, Djangos forms framework is designed to do most of the work for you. You provide a description of the forms fields, validation rules, and a simple template, and Django does the rest. The result is a perfect form with very little effort.
The best way to build a site that people love is to listen to their feedback. Many sites appear to have forgotten this; they hide their contact details behind layers of FAQs, and they seem to make it as difficult as possible to get in touch with an actual human being.
When your site has millions of users, this may be a reasonable strategy. When youre trying to build up an audience, though, you should actively encourage feedback at every opportunity. Lets build a simple feedback form and use it to illustrate Djangos forms framework in action.
Well start by adding adding (r'^contact/$', '') to the URLconf, then defining our form. Forms in Django are created in a similar way to models: declaratively, using a Python class. Heres the class for our simple form. By convention, well insert it into a new file within our application directory:
寮濮嬶紝鍦║RLconf閲屾坊鍔 (r'^contact/$', '') 锛岀劧鍚庡畾涔夎〃鍗曘 鍦―jango涓〃鍗曠殑鍒涘缓绫讳技MODEL:浣跨敤Python绫绘潵澹版槑銆傝繖閲屾槸鎴戜滑绠鍗曡〃鍗曠殑绫汇備负浜嗘柟渚匡紝鎶婂畠鍐欏埌鏂扮殑 鏂囦欢涓紝杩欎釜鏂囦欢鍦╝pp鐩綍涓嬨
from django import newforms as forms TOPIC_CHOICES = ( ('general', 'General enquiry'), ('bug', 'Bug report'), ('suggestion', 'Suggestion'), ) class ContactForm(forms.Form): topic = forms.ChoiceField(choices=TOPIC_CHOICES) message = forms.CharField() sender = forms.EmailField(required=False)
New Forms? What?
New Forms鏄粈涔堬紵
When Django was first released to the public, it had a complicated, confusing forms system. It made producing forms far too difficult, so it was completely rewritten and is now called newforms. However, theres still a fair amount of code that depends on the old form system, so for the time being Django ships with two form packages.
As we write this book, Djangos old form system is still available as django.forms and the new form package as django.newforms . At some point that will change and django.forms will point to the new form package. However, to make sure the examples in this book work as widely as possible, all the examples will refer to django.newforms .
鍦ㄦ湰涔﹀啓浣滄湡闂达紝Django鐨勮乫orm绯荤粺杩樻槸鍦 django.forms 涓紝鏂扮殑form绯荤粺浣嶄簬 django.newforms 涓傝繖绉嶇姸鍐佃繜鏃╀細鏀瑰彉锛 django.forms 浼氭寚鍚戞柊鐨刦orm鍖呫 浣嗘槸涓轰簡璁╂湰涔︿腑鐨勪緥瀛愬敖鍙兘骞挎硾鍦板伐浣滐紝鎵鏈夌殑浠g爜涓粛鐒朵細浣跨敤 django.newforms 銆
A Django form is a subclass of django.newforms.Form , just as a Django model is a subclass of django.db.models.Model . The django.newforms module also contains a number of Field classes; a full list is available in Djangos documentation at
涓涓狣jango琛ㄥ崟鏄 django.newforms.Form 鐨勫瓙绫伙紝灏卞儚Django妯″瀷鏄 django.db.models.Model 鐨勫瓙绫讳竴鏍枫傚湪django.newforms妯″潡涓繕鍖呭惈寰堝Field绫伙紱Django鐨勬枃妗o紙 锛変腑鍖呭惈浜嗕竴涓彲鐢ㄧ殑Field鍒楄〃銆
Our ContactForm consists of three fields: a topic, which is a choice among three options; a message, which is a character field; and a sender, which is an email field and is optional (because even anonymous feedback can be useful). There are a number of other field types available, and you can write your own if they dont cover your needs.
鎴戜滑鐨 ContactForm 鍖呭惈涓変釜瀛楁锛氫竴涓猼opic锛屽畠鏄竴涓笁閫変竴鐨勯夋嫨妗嗭紱涓涓猰essage锛屽畠鏄竴涓枃鏈煙锛涜繕鏈変竴涓猻ender锛屽畠鏄竴涓彲閫夌殑email鍩燂紙鍥犱负鍗充娇鏄尶鍚嶅弽棣堜篃鏄湁鐢ㄧ殑锛夈傝繕鏈夊緢澶氬瓧娈电被鍨嬪彲渚涢夋嫨锛屽鏋滃畠浠兘涓嶆弧瓒宠姹傦紝浣犲彲浠ヨ冭檻鑷繁鍐欎竴涓
The form object itself knows how to do a number of useful things. It can validate a collection of data, it can generate its own HTML widgets, it can construct a set of useful error messages and, if were feeling lazy, it can even draw the entire form for us. Lets hook it into a view and see it in action. In :
from django.db.models import Q from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from models import Book **from forms import ContactForm** def search(request): query = request.GET.get('q', '') if query: qset = ( Q(title__icontains=query) | Q(authors__first_name__icontains=query) | Q(authors__last_name__icontains=query) ) results = Book.objects.filter(qset).distinct() else: results = [] return render_to_response("books/search.html", { "results": results, "query": query }) **def contact(request):** **form = ContactForm()** **return render_to_response('contact.html', {'form': form})**
and in contact.html :
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Contact us</title> </head> <body> <h1>Contact us</h1> <form action="." method="POST"> <table> {{ form.as_table }} </table> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit"></p> </form> </body> </html>
The most interesting line here is {{ form.as_table }} . form is our ContactForm instance, as passed to render_to_response . as_table is a method on that object that renders the form as a sequence of table rows (as_ul and as_p can also be used). The generated HTML looks like this:
鏈鏈夋剰鎬濈殑涓琛屾槸 {{ form.as_table }}銆俧orm鏄疌ontactForm鐨勪竴涓疄渚嬶紝鎴戜滑閫氳繃render_to_response鏂规硶鎶婂畠浼犻掔粰妯℃澘銆俛s_table鏄痜orm鐨勪竴涓柟娉曪紝瀹冩妸form娓叉煋鎴愪竴绯诲垪鐨勮〃鏍艰(as_ul鍜宎s_p涔熸槸璧风潃鐩镐技鐨勪綔鐢)銆傜敓鎴愮殑HTML鍍忚繖鏍凤細
<tr> <th><label for="id_topic">Topic:</label></th> <td> <select name="topic" id="id_topic"> <option value="general">General enquiry</option> <option value="bug">Bug report</option> <option value="suggestion">Suggestion</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="id_message">Message:</label></th> <td><input type="text" name="message" id="id_message" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="id_sender">Sender:</label></th> <td><input type="text" name="sender" id="id_sender" /></td> </tr>
Note that the <table> and <form> tags are not included; you need to define those yourself in the template, which gives you control over how the form behaves when it is submitted. Label elements are included, making forms accessible out of the box.
Our form is currently using a <input type="text"> widget for the message field. We dont want to restrict our users to a single line of text, so well swap in a <textarea> widget instead:
鎴戜滑鐨刦orm鐜板湪浣跨敤浜嗕竴涓<input type=”text”>閮ㄤ欢鏉ユ樉绀簃essage瀛楁銆備絾鎴戜滑涓嶆兂闄愬埗鎴戜滑鐨勭敤鎴峰彧鑳借緭鍏ヤ竴琛屾枃鏈紝鎵浠ユ垜浠敤涓涓<textarea>閮ㄤ欢鏉ユ浛浠o細
class ContactForm(forms.Form): topic = forms.ChoiceField(choices=TOPIC_CHOICES) message = forms.CharField(**widget=forms.Textarea()** ) sender = forms.EmailField(required=False)
The forms framework separates out the presentation logic for each field into a set of widgets. Each field type has a default widget, but you can easily override the default, or provide a custom widget of your own.
At the moment, submitting the form doesnt actually do anything. Lets hook in our validation rules:
def contact(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = ContactForm(request.POST) else: form = ContactForm() return render_to_response('contact.html', {'form': form})
A form instance can be in one of two states: bound or unbound. A bound instance is constructed with a dictionary (or dictionary-like object) and knows how to validate and redisplay the data from it. An unbound form has no data associated with it and simply knows how to display itself.
Try clicking Submit on the blank form. The page should redisplay, showing a validation error that informs us that our message field is required.
Try entering an invalid email address as well. The EmailField knows how to validate email addresses, at least to a reasonable level of doubt.
Setting Initial Data
Passing data directly to the form constructor binds that data and indicates that validation should be performed. Often, though, we need to display an initial form with some of the fields prefilled for example, an edit form. We can do this with the initial keyword argument:
form = CommentForm(initial={'sender': ''})
If our form will always use the same default values, we can configure them in the form definition itself:
message = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(), **initial="Replace with your feedback"** )
Once the user has filled the form to the point that it passes our validation rules, we need to do something useful with the data. In this case, we want to construct and send an email containing the users feedback. Well use Djangos email package to do this.
First, though, we need to tell if the data is indeed valid, and if it is, we need access to the validated data. The forms framework does more than just validate the data, it also converts it into Python types. Our contact form only deals with strings, but if we were to use an IntegerField or DateTimeField , the forms framework would ensure that we got back a Python integer or datetime object, respectively.
To tell whether a form is bound to valid data, call the is_valid() method:
form = ContactForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): # Process form data
Now we need access to the data. We could pull it straight out of request.POST , but if we did, wed miss out on the type conversions performed by the forms framework. Instead, we use form.clean_data :
if form.is_valid(): topic = form.clean_data['topic'] message = form.clean_data['message'] sender = form.clean_data.get('sender', '') # ...
Note that since sender is not required, we provide a default when its missing. Finally, we need to record the users feedback. The easiest way to do this is to email it to a site administrator. We can do that using the send_mail function:
from django.core.mail import send_mail # ... send_mail( 'Feedback from your site, topic: %s' % topic, message, sender, [''] )
The send_mail function has four required arguments: the email subject, the email body, the from address, and a list of recipient addresses. send_mail is a convenient wrapper around Djangos EmailMessage class, which provides advanced features such as attachments, multipart emails, and full control over email headers.
send_mail鏂规硶鏈夊洓涓繀椤荤殑鍙傛暟锛氫富棰橈紝閭欢姝f枃锛宖rom鍜屼竴涓帴鍙楄呭垪琛ㄣ俿end_mail鏄疍jango鐨凟mailMessage绫荤殑涓涓柟渚跨殑鍖呰锛孍mailMessage绫绘彁渚涗簡鏇撮珮绾х殑鏂规硶锛屾瘮濡傞檮浠讹紝澶氶儴鍒嗛偖浠讹紝浠ュ強瀵逛簬閭欢澶撮儴鐨勫畬鏁存帶鍒躲 鍙戦佸畬閭欢涔嬪悗锛屾垜浠細鎶婄敤鎴烽噸瀹氬悜鍒扮‘璁ょ殑椤甸潰銆傚畬鎴愪箣鍚庣殑瑙嗗浘鏂规硶濡備笅锛
Having sent the feedback email, well redirect our user to a static confirmation page. The finished view function looks like this:
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.core.mail import send_mail from forms import ContactForm def contact(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = ContactForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): topic = form.clean_data['topic'] message = form.clean_data['message'] sender = form.clean_data.get('sender', '') send_mail( 'Feedback from your site, topic: %s' % topic, message, sender, [''] ) return HttpResponseRedirect('/contact/thanks/') else: form = ContactForm() return render_to_response('contact.html', {'form': form})
Redirect After POST
If a user selects Refresh on a page that was displayed by a POST request, that request will be repeated. This can often lead to undesired behavior, such as a duplicate record being added to the database. Redirect after POST is a useful pattern that can help avoid this scenario: after a successful POST has been processed, redirect the user to another page rather than returning HTML directly.
1d0p2u <a href=”“>azetemwaeinp</a>, [url=]lcaytpsbsxkh[/url], [link=]hgjnhjgnqlch[/link],
Imagine weve launched our feedback form, and the emails have started tumbling in. Theres just one problem: some of the emails are just one or two words, hardly enough for a detailed missive. We decide to adopt a new validation policy: four words or more, please.
There are a number of ways to hook custom validation into a Django form. If our rule is something we will reuse again and again, we can create a custom field type. Most custom validations are one-off affairs, though, and can be tied directly to the form class.
We want additional validation on the message field, so we need to add a clean_message method to our form:
class ContactForm(forms.Form): topic = forms.ChoiceField(choices=TOPIC_CHOICES) message = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea()) sender = forms.EmailField(required=False) def clean_message(self): message = self.clean_data.get('message', '') num_words = len(message.split()) if num_words < 4: raise forms.ValidationError("Not enough words!") return message
This new method will be called after the default field validator (in this case, the validator for a required CharField ). Because the field data has already been partially processed, we need to pull it out of the forms clean_data dictionary.
We naively use a combination of len() and split() to count the number of words. If the user has entered too few words, we raise a ValidationError . The string attached to this exception will be displayed to the user as an item in the error list.
It is important that we explicitly return the value for the field at the end of the method. This allows us to modify the value (or convert it to a different Python type) within our custom validation method. If we forget the return statement, then None will be returned, and the original value will be lost.
The quickest way to customize the forms presentation is with CSS. The list of errors in particular could do with some visual enhancement, and the <ul> has a class attribute of errorlist for that exact purpose. The following CSS really makes our errors stand out:
<style type="text/css"> ul.errorlist { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .errorlist li { background-color: red; color: white; display: block; font-size: 10px; margin: 0 0 3px; padding: 4px 5px; } </style>
While its convenient to have our forms HTML generated for us, in many cases the default rendering wont be right for our application. {{ form.as_table }} and friends are useful shortcuts while we develop our application, but everything about the way a form is displayed can be overridden, mostly within the template itself.
Each field widget (<input type="text"> , <select> , <textarea> , or similar) can be rendered individually by accessing {{ form.fieldname }} . Any errors associated with a field are available as {{ form.fieldname.errors }} . We can use these form variables to construct a custom template for our contact form:
姣忎竴涓瓧娈甸儴浠(<input type=”text”>, <select>, <textarea>, 鎴栬呯被浼)閮藉彲浠ラ氳繃璁块棶{{form.瀛楁鍚峿}杩涜鍗曠嫭鐨勬覆鏌撱備换浣曡窡瀛楁鐩稿叧鐨勯敊璇兘鍙互閫氳繃{{form.fieldname.errors}}璁块棶銆傛垜浠彲浠ュ悓杩欎簺form鐨勫彉閲忔潵涓烘垜浠殑琛ㄥ崟鏋勯犱竴涓嚜瀹氫箟鐨勬ā鏉匡細
<form action="." method="POST"> <div class="fieldWrapper"> {{ form.topic.errors }} <label for="id_topic">Kind of feedback:</label> {{ form.topic }} </div> <div class="fieldWrapper"> {{ form.message.errors }} <label for="id_message">Your message:</label> {{ form.message }} </div> <div class="fieldWrapper"> {{ form.sender.errors }} <label for="id_sender">Your email (optional):</label> {{ form.sender }} </div> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit"></p> </form>
{{ form.message.errors }} will display as a <ul class="errorlist"> if errors are present and a blank string if the field is valid (or the form is unbound). We can also treat form.message.errors as a Boolean or even iterate over it as a list, for example:
{{ form.message.errors }} 浼氬湪 <ul class="errorlist"> 閲岄潰鏄剧ず锛屽鏋滃瓧娈垫槸鍚堟硶鐨勶紝鎴栬協orm娌℃湁琚粦瀹氾紝灏辨樉绀轰竴涓┖瀛楃涓层傛垜浠繕鍙互鎶 form.message.errors 褰撲綔涓涓竷灏斿兼垨鑰呭綋瀹冩槸list鍦ㄤ笂闈㈠仛杩唬锛
<div class="fieldWrapper{% if form.message.errors %} errors{% endif %}"> {% if form.message.errors %} <ol> {% for error in form.message.errors %} <li><strong>{{ error|escape }}</strong></li> {% endfor %} </ol> {% endif %} {{ form.message }} </div>
In the case of validation errors, this will add an errors class to the containing <div> and display the list of errors in an ordered list.
鍦ㄦ牎楠屽け璐ョ殑鎯呭喌涓, 杩欐浠g爜浼氬湪鍖呭惈閿欒瀛楁鐨刣iv鐨刢lass灞炴т腑澧炲姞涓涓”errors”锛屽湪涓涓湁搴忓垪琛ㄤ腑鏄剧ず閿欒淇℃伅銆
Lets build something a little more interesting: a form that submits a new publisher to our book application from Chapter 5.
An important rule of thumb in software development that Django tries to adhere to is Dont Repeat Yourself (DRY). Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas in The Pragmatic Programmer define this as follows:
涓涓潪甯搁噸瑕佺殑Django鐨勫紑鍙戠悊蹇靛氨鏄笉瑕侀噸澶嶄綘鑷繁(DRY)銆侫ny Hunt鍜孌ave Thomas鍦ㄣ婂疄鐢ㄤ富涔夌▼搴忓憳銆嬮噷瀹氫箟浜嗚繖涓師鍒欙細
Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.
Our Publisher model class says that a publisher has a name, address, city, state_province, country, and website. Duplicating this information in a form definition would break the DRY rule. Instead, we can use a useful shortcut: form_for_model() :
from models import Publisher from django.newforms import form_for_model PublisherForm = form_for_model(Publisher)
PublisherForm is a Form subclass, just like the ContactForm class we created manually earlier on. We can use it in much the same way:
from forms import PublisherForm def add_publisher(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = PublisherForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseRedirect('/add_publisher/thanks/') else: form = PublisherForm() return render_to_response('books/add_publisher.html', {'form': form})
The add_publisher.html file is almost identical to our original contact.html template, so it has been omitted. Also remember to add a new pattern to the URLconf: (r'^add_publisher/$', 'mysite.books.views.add_publisher') .
add_publisher.html 鏂囦欢鍑犱箮璺熸垜浠殑contact.html妯℃澘涓鏍凤紝鎵浠ヤ笉璧樿堪浜嗐傝寰楀湪URLConf閲岄潰鍔犱笂锛 (r'^add_publisher/$', 'mysite.books.views.add_publisher') .
Theres one more shortcut being demonstrated here. Since forms derived from models are often used to save new instances of the model to the database, the form class created by form_for_model includes a convenient save() method. This deals with the common case; youre welcome to ignore it if you want to do something a bit more involved with the submitted data.
杩樻湁涓涓揩鎹风殑鏂规硶銆傚洜涓轰粠妯″瀷鑰屾潵鐨勮〃鍗曠粡甯歌鐢ㄦ潵鎶婃柊鐨勬ā鍨嬬殑瀹炰緥淇濆瓨鍒版暟鎹簱锛屼粠 form_for_model 鑰屾潵鐨勮〃鍗曞璞″寘鍚竴涓 save() 鏂规硶銆備竴鑸儏鍐典笅澶熺敤浜嗭紱浣犳兂瀵规彁浜ょ殑鏁版嵁浣滆繘涓姝ョ殑澶勭悊鐨勮瘽锛屾棤瑙嗗畠灏卞ソ浜嗐
form_for_instance() is a related method that can create a preinitialized form from an instance of a model class. This is useful for creating edit forms.
form_for_instance() 鏄彟澶栦竴涓柟娉曪紝鐢ㄤ簬浠庝竴涓ā鍨嬪璞′腑浜х敓涓涓垵濮嬪寲杩囩殑琛ㄥ崟瀵硅薄锛岃繖涓綋鐒剁粰鈥滅紪杈戔濊〃鍗曟彁渚涗簡鏂逛究銆
This chapter concludes the introductory material in this book. The next 13 chapters deal with various advanced topics, including generating content other than HTML (Chapter 11), security (Chapter 19), and deployment (Chapter 20).
After these first seven chapters, you should know enough to start writing your own Django projects. The rest of the material in this book will help fill in the missing pieces as you need them.
Well start in Chapter 8 by doubling back and taking a closer look at views and URLconfs (introduced first in Chapter 3).
鏈珯浣跨敤涓婁笅鏂囧叧鑱旂殑璇勬敞绯荤粺鏉ユ敹闆嗗弽棣堜俊鎭備笉鍚屼簬涓鑸鏁寸珷鍋氳瘎娉ㄧ殑鍋氭硶锛 鎴戜滑鍏佽浣犲姣忎竴涓嫭绔嬬殑鈥滄枃鏈潡鈥濆仛璇勬敞銆備竴涓滄枃鏈潡鈥濈湅璧锋潵鏄繖鏍风殑锛
涓涓滄枃鏈潡鈥濇槸涓涓钀斤紝涓涓垪琛ㄩ」锛屼竴娈典唬鐮侊紝鎴栬呭叾浠栦竴灏忔鍐呭銆 浣犻変腑瀹冧細楂樹寒搴︽樉绀:
濡傛灉浣犳効鎰忎綘鐨勮瘎娉ㄨ閲囩敤锛岃纭繚鐣欎笅浣犵殑鍏ㄥ悕 (娉ㄦ剰涓嶆槸鏄电О鎴栫畝绉帮級
Many, many thanks to Jack Slocum; the inspiration and much of the code for the comment system comes from Jack's blog, and this site couldn't have been built without his wonderful
library. Thanks also to Yahoo for YUI itself.